pocket watch
Andrik Langfield / Unsplash

Activism and Campaign History: Start Here


Welcome to the History topic in the Commons Social Change Library. We have gathered a wide range of resources about the history of First Nations, social and labour movements in Australia and beyond. These case studies, chronologies, interviews and stories not only provide inspiration and lessons from the past but also help us understand the roots of today’s campaigns and forms of activism. 

Let no one say the past is dead. The past is all about us and within. – Oodgeroo Noonucal, 1970

First Nations Activism in Australia

Cover slide of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Timeline of Resistance

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Timeline of Resistance

This Timeline of Resistance was produced by Original Power as a training aid for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities as well as allies aiming to work in solidarity. 

Aboriginal Memoirs as Social Activism

This article includes excerpts from papers related to Aboriginal memoir, links to four memoirs by Aboriginal Australians, and where to find more.

Aboriginal Change Makers: Stories of Aboriginal Self-determination and Empowerment

Aboriginal Change Makers is a teaching resource for Victorian schools that presents amazing stories of political and social activity, self-determination, and empowerment, as well as the struggle for recognition in the face of another more dominant and colonising society.

Podcasts About Decolonisation, First Nations Justice and Invasion Day

People’s History of Australia-podcasts and blogs look at Australian history from the perspective of ordinary people fighting together for a better life.

An Unsettling Decision: A Legal and Social History of Native Title and the Mabo Decision

A history of dispossession in Australia and campaigns for land rights up until recent times.

Torres Strait Islanders hold maritime strike against pearling industry, 1936

An account of how Torres Strait Islanders refused work in a government run pearling fleet due to racial discrimination and held a maritime strike in 1936.

Torres Strait soldiers stage stay at home strikes, 1943

The story of how Torres Strait Islander soldiers struck to end discrimination in the Australian army during World War Two.

Australian Aboriginal workers strike for fair wages and equality, 1946-1949

Indigenous pastoral workers in the Kimberley region of Western Australia struck for equal wages and full civil rights in the late 1940s.

The Freedom Ride

The Freedom Ride through western New South Wales towns in February 1965 drew national attention to the racism in these places. 

University of Sydney students uncover and protest discrimination of Aboriginal people in New South Wales, 1965

A case study of the 1965 NSW Freedom Ride.

Gurindji Land Rights Struggle: Case study & training guide

A case study chronicling the land rights struggle carried out by the Gurindji people from 1966 onwards.

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy was established in 1972 when the Coalition Government failed to recognise the land rights of Indigenous people. 

Performing Political History: An interview with Gary Foley

An interview with Professor Gary Foley about using creative practice to bring attention to the political challenges facing Aboriginal people in Australia.

Protest poster - Aboriginal Australians in protest holding a sign that says No mining on sacred land. The wording on the poster says We, The People of Noonkanbah call for support.

Noonkanbah 1979: When Unionists Stood up for Aboriginal Rights

An article about the 1979 Noonkanbah land rights blockade.

The battle for Aboriginal heritage on Perth’s foreshore 30 years on

An account of the occupation and picket run by Noongar activists at Gooninup to secure recognition of an Aboriginal sacred site. 

Interview with Kevin Buzzacott

Arabunna activist Uncle Kevin Buzzacott discusses campaigns for sovereignty and against uranium mining.

kids holding banner at jabiluka protest

Jabiluka protest © Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation

Jabiluka Fight for Country

An account from the Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation about how they successfully campaigned to stop uranium mining on their land.

The Jabiluka Blockade – 22 years on

Over 500 people were arrested in the course of an eight-month blockade at Jabiluka in 1998. This article includes the campaign timeline and further resources.

Sign Language: The story of the Jabiluka symbol

The story of how the Stop Jabiluka hand symbol was designed and grew to become a symbol for the anti-nuclear movement.

Stop Jabiluka Mine Handbook

The Stop Jabiluka Mine handbook gives a fascinating insight into an important part of Australian social movement history as well as an overview of the kinds of issues to consider when organising a large scale direct action convergence. 

James Price Point/Walmadan: A Huge Win

In 2013 the people of Broome stopped the development of a gas plant and port at iconic James Price Point (Walmadan). This short case study shares some of the keys to success and strengths of the campaign.

Camp Walmadan Booklet

A campaign booklet which provides insights into how this campaign was organised and waged.


an old black and white photo of a procession of people walking along a street outside a hotel with text on their roof that reads Royal Hotel

Procession at Mt Morgans during the Beer Strike, 1903

Beer Strikes: A History of Hotel Boycotts in Australia, 1900-1920

A video presentation about beer strikes and the history of hotel/pub boycotts in Australia in the early 1900s.

Australians block cricket and impede rugby tour of apartheid South Africa, 1971

A case study recounting how anti-apartheid protesters impeded the South African Springboks rugby tour, and stopped the cricket tour, to protest racial inequality.

International groups boycott Nestle products to end indiscriminate advertising, 1977-1984

An account of the boycott campaign against Nestle marketing artificial baby milks infant formula to developing countries.

Greenpeace and Sea Shepherds force Japanese seafood company Nissui to sell stakes in whale hunting ships 2005-2006

A case study about how Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd initiated a consumer boycott against Sealord Tuna to end whaling by its parent company, Nissui.

Divestment Campaign, 2013- 2021

A campaign case study covering fossil fuel divestment campaigns in Australia.

Environmental Campaigns

Acting Up! Podcasts on 45 Years of Friends of the Earth

A four part podcast series from community radio station 3CR celebrating 45 years of direct action by environmental group, Friends of the Earth.

30 years of Creative Resistance

30 years of Creative Resistance’ is a compilation of writing and art celebrating the work of Friends of the Earth Australia.

A 89 year old woman wearing a hat, knee length coat and dress stands in bare feet in the water of a bay holding an umbrella standing in front of a pile of dumped sand being tipped out of a truck

Bessie Rischbieth at age 89 facing the bulldozers in a protest against the land filling of Mounts Bay on the Swan River. Courtesy Interventions Book

Fighting for the Foreshore: The Campaigns to Protect Mounts Bay and Kings Park  

Read an account of Perth’s first two major urban conservation campaigns, the preservation of Kings Park bushland and the survival of Mounts Bay.

Environmental Blockading in Australia and Around the World – Timeline 1974-1997

A chronology of hundreds of blockades from around the world.

Listen and watch 40 years of Australian blockading songs

A list of songs from the last 40 years of the environmental movement in Australia including the Terania and Franklin River blockades.

Treesits, lock-ons and barricades: Environmental blockading in the 1980s

A series of podcasts about US, Canadian and Australian environmental blockades during the 1990s.

Blockades that changed Australia

Thirteen Australian blockades that tackled issues including logging, coal seam gas, sand mining and other threats to the environment.

Effective action for social change: The campaign to save the Franklin River

This in-depth study provides lessons from one of the largest and most successful nonviolent direct action environmental protests in Australian history.

Tasmanian Wilderness Society blocks dam construction (Franklin River Campaign) 1981-83

A shorter case study concerning the blockade of the Tasmanian Franklin below Gordon Dam site.

Greenpeace pushes for global ban on CFCs 1986 – 1995

Greenpeace International agitated for a ban on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to protect the global ozone layer from ultraviolet radiation. This case study describes the campaign.

Australian Rainforest Action Groups boycott Malaysian rainforest timber, 1988-1994

Australian Rainforest Action Groups blockaded ships bringing rainforest timbers logged in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Om gaia dudes: The North East Forest Alliance’s old-growth forest campaign

This book chapter by Aidan Ricketts is about the key moments of the old forest growth campaign in northern NSW in the 1990s.

Reconciliation in the forest? An exploration of the conflict over the logging of native forests in the south west of Western Australia

This 2004 book looks at why two Western Australian social movement organisations on opposite sides of the logging debate continued to contest WA’s forest policy for so long. 

Greenpeace pressures Coca-Cola to phase out HFC refrigeration for Olympic Games in Australia 2000-2004

A case study covering Greenpeace International’s agitation for Coca Cola to desist from HFC refrigerants prior to the Sydney Summer Olympics in 2000.

Victorian red gum forests: A historic victory

A comprehensive case study of the successful campaign to protect Victorian Red Gum Forests, including the successful building of a Green-Black alliance.

Protesters blockading at Bentley in NSW against the coal and gas industry in 2014. A landscape view of the blockade with the sun on the horizon creating a beautiful light over the site with many people and colourful flags. Protestors have climbed tripods. There is a person dressed as an angel at the top of one.

© Aidan Ricketts

Enabling Emergence: The Bentley Blockade and the Struggle for a Gasfield Free Northern Rivers

A case study and theoretical examination of successful nonviolent direct action against fracking in the Northern Rivers Region in Australia.

Groundswell Gloucester: Fighting and Winning against Fracking

A book excerpt which discusses how a grass roots community campaign based in Gloucester Valley, NSW scored a major victory against the Coal Seam Gas industry in 2016.

Frontline Action on Coal: Ten Years on the Frontline

A retrospective concerning ten years of non-violent direct action against the coal industry in Australia.

Refugee activism

Hazara asylum seekers hunger strike on Nauru, 2003-2004

A case study about how Hazara refugee asylum seekers engaged in hunger strikes to protest their continuing detention by Australia on Nauru.

Peace activism

Australian women protest conscription during Vietnam War [Save Our Sons (SOS)], 1965-1972

Save Our Sons opposed military conscription for Australia’s role in the United States invasion and occupation of Vietnam.

Courtesy of the Search Foundation

Brave Enough to say ‘No’: William White and the Fight against Military Conscription during the Vietnam War

Learn about Australian teacher William White’s fight against military conscription during the Vietnam War.

Draftmen Go Free: A History of the Anti-Conscription Movement in Australia

A book providing a thorough account of the Australian anti-conscription movement from 1964 to 1972.

Vietnam Moratorium Campaign: Australian citizens force end to participation in Vietnam War

A case study exploring how Australian civil society groups resisted military participation in the war in Vietnam through organised and nonviolent action, from the late 1960s to the early 1970s.

The Vietnam War

Case study of the Australian campaign against involvement in the Vietnam War. 

From Protest to Politics: The Effectiveness of Civil Society in shaping the Nuclear-free Policy in Aotearoa New Zealand

An article outlining how New Zealanders successfully campaigned to ban nuclear-armed and powered ships from entering the country’s territorial waters, land and airspace.

Women for Survival: Pine Gap Protest 1983

A video about the November 1983 protest camp against global violence which was held outside the US run military base at Pine Gap, on Arrernte country in the Northern Territory.

Stepping Out For Peace: A History of CANE and PND (WA)

Stepping Out For Peace is an oral history of activism carried out by Western Australian groups People for Nuclear Disarmament (WA) and its forerunner the Campaign Against Nuclear Energy. 

anti nuclear protestors on USS Worden ship with protest banners saying No Nuclear Weapons

First Project Iceberg on-board antinuclear protest on USS Worden, 3 July 1983. Source: PNDWA, Stepping Out for Peace, 2004.

Project Iceberg: Fremantle’s response to visiting nuclear warships in the 1980s

A history of the unique nonviolent civil disobedience activities of a group of mainly Fremantle residents aimed at protesting visits by US nuclear warships between 1983 and 1985.

Always look on the bright side of life: The AIDEX ’91 story

An oral history of the 1991 blockade against the AIDEX arms fair.

NO WAR Opera House graffiti action: An interview with Dave Burgess

In this interview Dave Burgess discusses why he and his friend, Will Saunders, felt compelled to graffiti the Sydney Opera House and how they dealt with the court case and incarceration that followed.

The Peace Preacher as Anti-War Organiser in Regional Australia

This article tells how Bryan Law created the character of the Peace Preacher and used it as part of a Ploughshares style action in 2011 which involved damaging an Australian Defence Forces helicopter.

Anti-uranium and nuclear power campaigns

Australians campaign against nuclear power and uranium mining, 1974-1988

An account of how street marches and trade union action typified Australian resistance to the building of nuclear reactors and uranium mining and export.

Leave it in the Ground: Union Bans and Uranium Exports in the 1970s

An excerpt from Tom O’Lincoln’s book Years of Rage: Social Conflicts in the Fraser Era which discusses how rallies, port blockades and union action challenged the expansion of the uranium industry.

The Australian Movement against Uranium Mining: Its Rationale and Evolution

In this paper, Marty Branagan provides a brief historical overview of the Australian movement against uranium mining, before focussing on two major campaigns: Roxby and Jabiluka. 

See other examples of anti-uranium activism listed under ‘First Nations Activism in Australia’ above. 

Union campaigns

Rebels In The Workforce: Women Worker’s Resistance in the Nineteenth Century

A discussion of women’s resistance to workplace exploitation during a period of rapid industrialisation across Australia.

Australians general strike for right to unionize, Brisbane, Australia, 1912

Brisbane unionists organised a general strike in 1912 to protect and enhance the rights of workers to organise.

Against Fascism and War: Pig Iron Bob and the Dalfram Dispute, Port Kembla, 1938 

A pamphlet about how waterside workers, seamen and the Wollongong community defied government and employer repression to place bans on raw materials being sent overseas to create munitions.

Jean Young, Kath Williams and the Fight for Equal Pay

This article chronicles how two organisers within the Liquor Trades Union, Jean Young and Kath Williams, successfully led struggles for the rights of their members and for women at large.

How workers defeated anti-strike laws in the 1970s

An excerpt from Without Bosses: Radical Trade Unionism in the 1970s about how mass defiance of anti-strike laws allowed Australian workers to engage in new forms of union activity.

Green Bans

An account of campaigns run by the NSW Builders Labourers Federation to protect sites of environmental and heritage significance.

Green Bans Timeline: 1971-1974

A timeline from the Green Bans Art Walks project covering more than 50 bans placed by the NSW Builders Labourers Federation.

workers sitting on steps outside Opera House

Workers gather outside the Sydney Opera House in 1973. Courtesy of Search Foundation

The 1972 Sydney Opera House Work-In

The story of how the workers who built Opera House took over their workplace to prevent the sacking of a worker and directly introduce the 35-hour working week.

The Nymboida Coal Mine Takeover, NSW, 1975–1979

An account of how workers at the Nymboida coal mine resisted mass sackings by taking over and running the mine themselves in 1975, firstly through an occupation and then via union ownership.

Lessons that can be learnt from dockworkers who helped bring apartheid to its knees

Article about the transnational solidarity activism of maritime unions and how the actions of dockworkers in Australia helped drive the anti-apartheid movement.

How decades of fast food worker organising lead to “The Fight for 15”

An article chronicling US union campaigns amongst fast food workers in the 1980s.

Defending Unionism: The Weipa Dispute, 1995

An account of how workers in a small Cape York community forced the CRA-Rio Tinto to accommodate collective bargaining by combining strike action and a port blockade while drawing on national solidarity.

Tips for Turnout from Your Rights at Work

A case study of the Your Rights at Work campaign, which ran from 2005 to 2007 and included some of the largest mobilisations in Australian history. 

Strikes Resource Guide

Covers a number of resources including case studies and histories.

Australia’s History of Workers’ Rights, Strikes and Campaigns

Learn about the history of Australian workers’ rights, strikes and campaigns from resources at the Australian Trade Union Institute ATUI Resource Library.

Stick Together Podcast

A compilation of programs from this radio show which includes episodes chronicling the 1853 Red Ribbon Rebellion, the Gurindji Walk Off, battles against sexism in Seattle’s power company in the 1970s, and more.

Organising! A Remedy for Despair: How Workers at the University of Melbourne won back $45 million in Stolen Wages

A case study and campaign summary which details how campaigns by casual workers in 2019 and 2020 steadily forced management to concede to demands, recruited hundreds of new members, and built a lasting network of delegates before culminating in the back payment of $45 million in stolen wages.

Disability campaigns

People With Disability Australian Protest Timeline

A timeline covering collective and publicly disruptive forms of action under taken by people with disability to defend extend rights and gains in Australia since the 1970s.

The History of Campaigns in Australia by People With Disability

A collection of resources which focus on case studies and histories regarding how organisations and communities have worked together to secure change and defend gains.

Creative Activism

Lines of Resistance: What can the Old Left offer today’s creatives?

Five talks on the history of creative activism from the 19th century to the 1980s.

Defying Censorship: The New Theatre and Till The Day I Die

A book excerpt which tells the story of the New Theatre’s campaign against bans on an anti-fascist play in the late 1930s.

Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1986

A series of panel discussions about radical science-fiction and activism.

Photograph of a billboard advertising Winfield cigarettes. The billboard advertising reads 'Anyhow... Winfield 25s'. Graffiti has been inserted so it reads 'Anyhow buga up a Winfield 25'.

An example of Buga-Up’s work on a billboard.

Billboard Utilising Graffitists Against Unhealthy Promotions (BUGA UP) campaigns against tobacco advertising, Australia, 1978-1994

A case study regarding civil disobedience actions which reversed tobacco advertising messages to show the negative health effects of cigarettes.

Grevillea: Creative Interventions in Western Australia during the 1990s

This interview discusses how an activist group from Western Australia called Grevillea used the power of creative activism and innovative approaches to challenge militarism and exploitation, as well as shake up stale approaches to creating social change.

Activism and the power of humour

This paper draws on Australian case studies to demonstrate the continued evolution of the use of humour in environmental, peace, and social justice movements.

Humorous Political Stunts: Nonviolent Public Challenges to Power

An article about political stunts which includes actions undertaken by the John Howard Ladies’ Auxiliary Fan Club as a case study.

Pranks, performances and protestivals: Public Events

A number of examples from Australian history of fun, empowering and engaging public actions incorporating a creative approach.

Items of Mass Instruction Posters, Stickers, Memes and More

Examples from Australian history of creative means of spreading messages and information.

Changing the world via shock and beauty: Visual Artworks

Various visual artworks drawn from Australian campaigns for social change are highlighted here.


Photograph of the S11 protest in melbourne. Signs with black oil drums saying toxic waste

© John Englart (Takver)

S11: Australians Blockade World Economic Forum

An account of how the S11 Alliance majorly disrupted the World Economic Forum in Melbourne during September 2000. 

Carnival at Crown Casino S11 as Party and Protest

An exploration of the fun and pleasurable dimensions of the S11 anti-globalisation protests.

Globalisation unplugged: S11 World Economic Forum Protests

A compilation of Community Radio 3CR broadcasts from the convergence.

Become the Media: IndyMedia and S11

A description of the role of alternative media in the S11 anti-globalisation protests. 


Organizing Occupy Wall Street: This is Just Practice

In 2011 the Occupy movement triggered an unprecedented wave of uprisings across the world. In this excerpt from the first study of the processes and structures of Occupy Wall Street (OWS) organizer and author Marisa Holmes reflects on the defining characteristics and lessons of the movement.

Lessons from Occupy Wall Street

A recording of a 2024 discussion with Marisa Holmes about her experiences of the Occupy Wall Street moment in terms of what worked, and what didn’t, as well as lessons to be drawn for the future.

Occupy Reflects: A Collection of Reflections on Occupy Melbourne

A collection of reflections on Occupy Melbourne from those who were involved.

Occupy Melbourne Case Study: A Missed Opportunity

A case study drawn from the 2014 report ‘Creating change in Australia: Identifying the Training needs of Grassroots Activists and Campaigners’.

LGBTIQ+ activism

A History of LGBTIQ+ Victoria in 100 Places and Objects

A report about the rich, diverse and unique history of queer communities in Victoria as reflected in places, objects and landscapes.

Liberation is for Us: Gay Liberation, Unions and the Left in the 1970s

This excerpt from Liz Ross’s book of the same name provides accounts of the 1973 NSW Builders Labourers Federation ‘pink ban’ on construction at Macquarie University as well as the events of the 1978 Sydney Mardi Gras march and the campaign against police harassment that followed it.

What we can learn from the LGBTQ movement’s 50 years of achievement

Reflections from George Lakey on decades of LGBTIQ+ activism in the US.

A crowd of protestors at marriage equality rally. There are colourful rainbow flags, banners and in the foreground three people are holding signs that say Vote Yes with a green tick.

Marriage Equality Rally, Adelaide, 16 September 2017. Jenny Scott / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Marriage Equality Campaign Timeline and Reflections

A timeline of events related to the Australian campaign for marriage equality along with reflection and analysis related to Australian, Irish and US campaigns.

An array of resources collated about the marriage equality campaign across the world including lessons learned about messaging and framing.

Housing Justice and Unwaged Campaigns

Jim Munro and the Unemployed Workers Movement in the 1920s and 1930s

A first-hand account of how the Unemployed Workers Movement undertook action in the 1920s and 1930s in Melbourne, Australia.

Walking Tours of Unemployed Resistance in Brunswick, 1929-35

This walking tour visits the sites of some of Melbourne’s fiercest unemployed battles in the inner suburb of Brunswick, including pickets, occupations and protests.

Black and white photo of a crowd of people including several children.

An anti-eviction rally in Sydney, 1930.

Lock Out The Landlords: Australian Anti-Eviction Resistance 1929-1936

A timeline of pickets, occupations and protests against evictions during the Depression years.

The 1931 Perth Treasury Building Riot – Unemployed workers during the Great Depression

An account of West Australian activism and the protests and tactics unemployed people used to fight for their rights.

Women Fighting Back in the Depression Years

Read about the role women played in unemployed movements during the Depression Years in Australia in this book excerpt.

Squatting’s place in winning Emergency Housing, 1945-48

A talk about how the squatting of empty houses and military camps forced governments in Australia to provide emergency shelter during the 1940s.

Victoria street squats: Anti development struggles in Sydney in the 1970s Interview with Ian Milliss

An interview with Ian Milliss about his involvement with Sydney’s Victoria St squats and how they became the focus of a long running anti-development struggle.

The radical history of unemployed activism

Includes an overview of the history of Australia’s welfare system and stories of activism from the 1920s, 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s – plus creative, humorous and confrontational tactics.

Resources About Australian Housing Justice and Unwaged Rights Campaigns

An extensive list of resources focused on case studies and stories of how communities have organised to secure housing, financial and other support for the unwaged and those on low incomes.


a collage of covers of films about women and social change

Films about Women & Social Justice and Change

An inspiring list of feature films and documentaries about women and social change including Women of Steel, Suffragette, Mission Blue, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry and more.

Changing the World: The Women’s Political Association

A book which tells the story of Australian women’s activism against war, sexism and poverty in the early twentieth century through the writings and voices of those involved.

Essential Elements for Turning a Cause into a Movement: Lessons from the Suffrage Struggle for Today’s Activists

An article about the American women’s suffragist movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries and how this social movement succeeded in bringing about radical change.

Books about Women & Leadership

A list of key readings which includes memoirs and herstories.

Occupy Movement

Photograph of the first General Assembly of Occupy Melbourne, October 15 2011. A large gathering of people in City Square with signs.

The first General Assembly of Occupy Melbourne, October 15 2011.

Occupy Reflects

A collection of reflections on Occupy Melbourne and its place in the global movement.

Occupy Melbourne: A Missed Opportunity

A case study by CounterAct from the 2014 report Creating Change in Australia.

Australian Radical History

From Little Things Big Things Grow: Events That Changed Australia

A list of small actions and major events which challenged the nature of Australian society and pointed to better ways forward.  

For the Win Podcast

A podcast series highlighting people, strategies and campaigns that changed Australia forever.

Tactics in a time of physical distancing: Examples from Australia’s progressive past

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic the Commons Library shared protests, campaigns and events from the past which highlighted ways to undertake action while maintaining safe health practices and physical distance.

People’s History of Australia Podcast

The People’s History of Australia-podcast and blog looks at Australian history from the perspective of ordinary people fighting together for a better life.

Female highschool walking in protest against inaction on climate change holding painted pandanus mat with words 'stop adani'.

Climate striking school students protest in Melbourne. Image: John Englart (Takver) (CC BY-SA 2.0)

“When the bombs drop, school stops” – Over 100 years of Australian school strikes and direct action

Australia has a long history of students walking out of the classroom to demand change. A timeline of Australian school strikes from the 1930s until 2019.

Australian Actions at Different Points of Intervention

Examples from Australian history of how effective action can be undertaken at the point of production, consumption, destruction and other places.

Australian Actions at the Point of Assumption

Various examples from Australian history demonstrating how beliefs and understandings can be challenged at different Points of Assumption.

A Shelf of Reds: Neglected Radical Historians

Australian radical historians and activists, Rowan Cahill and Terry Irving, share a selection of books about radical Australian history.

Campaigns that Changed Tasmania

Lutruwita/Tasmania has a rich history of resistance and collective action. This overview provides snapshots of some of the campaigns that have had an impact.

Campaigns that Changed the Northern Territory

An overview of First Nations, environmental, workers and other campaigns that helped change the NT.

Campaigns that Changed Western Australia

This overview provides snapshots of some of the campaigns that had an impact on this state, both historically and recently.

Organising traditions, struggles and methods from around the world

Women's Mau leaders and committee in front of octagonal Mau office, circa 1930

Women’s Mau leaders and committee in front of octagonal Mau office, circa 1930. Source: Alfred John Tattersall, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Mau Movement for Samoan Independence

A case study chronicling the Samoan movement for independence.

Films about social movement struggles, victories and leaders

Be inspired with this list of movies and documentaries about social movement struggles, victories and leaders – Selma, Harvey Milk, Karen Silkwood, Norma Rae, Gandhi and more.

ChangeMaker Chat with Ernie Cortes: Community Organising

In this podcast Ernie Cortes reflects on the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) under Saul Alinsky, his work building the IAF after Alinsky’s death, and some of the practices the IAF uses to develop powerful organisers.

Lessons from the Greensboro Student Sit-ins

An account of this 1960 campaign for African-American civil rights.

Organising Manual for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963

This organising manual was written by Bayard Rustin and distributed for the 1963 March on Washington, one of the largest civil rights rallies in US history. 

Nonviolence Training: A Brief History

A brief history of nonviolence training around the world, Australia and in the Pacific by a group called Pt’chang.

Archiving and creating case studies

Activist Archiving: Start Here

A guide to archiving resources on the Commons Library and beyond.

a collection of images from various documentaries

Radical Times Archive http://radicaltimes.info/

Documenting social change in Australia: A list of archives at your fingertips

A list of various Australian archives collecting the country’s progressive history.

Learning from Peers and the Past: Writing Case Studies

This article provides tips for writing case studies that provide campaigners with opportunities to learn from their peers and the past.

Campaign Case Study Template

Here is a template to help you get started writing case studies.

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  • Author:
  • Organisation: Commons library
  • Location: Australia
  • Release Date: 2022

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