A-Z by Author/Organisation
Here is a list of Authors (people and organisations) organised alphabetically from A – Z. Unlike other libraries the names are organised alphabetically by first name.
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- ActionAid
- ActionStation
- Activist Handbook
- Adam Barbanel-Fried
- Adele Neale
- Adrian Dodd
- Adrienne Evans
- adrienne maree brown
- Aidan Ricketts
- Ailish Gannon
- Alan Jenkins
- Alberto Arribas Lozano
- Aleksandra Schindler Ljutak
- Alexandra Lamb
- Alexandru Palas
- Alexis Vassiley
- Alex Etlling
- Alex Kelly
- Alex Pazaitis
- Alex Prichard
- Alex Ryan
- Alex Salmon
- Alice Hardinge
- Alice Wong
- Alisa Zomer
- Aliya Ahmad
- Allyson Castillo
- Ally Scott
- Alternative Justice
- Amanda Atlee
- Amanda Tattersall
- Amir Aryani
- Anat Shenker-Osorio
- Ana Babovic
- Ana-Marija Mileusnić
- Andie Markowitz
- Andres Bernal
- Andrew Gaines
- Andrew Willis Garcés
- Andy Paine
- Aneta Molenda
- Angela V. Carter
- Angeline Rivard
- Anita Tang
- Anitra Nelson
- Anjali Cadambi
- Anja Homburg
- Ankur Asthana
- Anna Collins Nham
- Anna Feigenbaum
- Anna Rose
- Anna Szilágyi
- Anna Szolucha
- Anne O'Brien
- Annie Kia
- Anonymous
- Ans Vercammen
- Anthony Kelly
- Anthony McCosker
- Antje Dun
- Anzio Cameron
- Aram Fischer
- Arielle Bernhardt
- Arnie Graf
- Article 20 Network
- Asha Miriam Stobbe Reimer
- Ashley Gallegos
- Astra Taylor
- Astrid Vachette
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre ASRC
- Aurora Adams
- Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick
- Australian Conservation Foundation
- Australian Council of Trade Unions ACTU
- Australian Progress
- Australian Psychological Society
- Australian Queer Archives
- Australian Services Union
- Australia reMADE
- Barbara Kearns
- Bard Center for the Study of Hate (The)
- Batja Mesquita
- Bayard Rustin
- Bayingana Simon Peter
- Beautiful Trouble
- Becky Bond
- Befriend
- Benedict Hugosson
- Ben Knight
- Ben Raue
- Berit Lakey
- Bernadett Sebály
- Bernie Mayer
- Bethany Koch
- Beyond the Choir
- Bill Moyer
- Blackout Collective
- Blueprints for Change
- Blueprint NC
- Bobbie Oliver
- Bob Scates
- Bonnie Honig
- Bonnie Koenig
- Brendan Montague
- Brenda Liddiard
- Brian Martin
- Bridget Moix
- Bridging Divides Initiative
- Bright Green
- Bri Xandrick
- Bronwyn Gresham
- Bruce Tuckman
- Building Movement Project
- Caitlin Homrich-Knieling
- Campaign Bootcamp
- Cam Walker
- Carina Barnett-Loro
- Carlos Saavedra
- Carly Findlay
- Carolyn D’Cruz
- Carol Ransley
- Castlemaine Commons
- Cathy Rogers
- Cat Nadel
- CBOnline Project
- Cecilie Surasky
- Center for Creative Activism
- Center for Economic and Social Rights
- Center for Story Based Strategy
- ChangeMakers
- Change Agency
- Charlie Wood
- Charlotte Bradley
- Choose Democracy
- Christine Miranda
- Chris Brown
- Chris Giotitsas
- Chris Rose
- Chris Zezza
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby CCL
- City Lights Bookshop
- CiviCERT
- Civil College Foundation
- Claire Runciman
- Clare Land
- Clare O'Hanlon
- Clémence Dubois
- Cleveland Robinson
- Climactic
- Climate Advocacy Lab
- Climate Justice Organizing Hub
- Climate Psychology Alliance
- Climate Reality Project Australia
- Climate Reality Project Canada
- Clodagh Schofield
- Colin Holtz
- Commons Librarian
- Commons Volunteer Librarian
- Common Cause
- Community Broadcasting Foundation
- Community Connections – Te Hapori Awhina Tangata
- Community Independents
- Community Justice Project
- Community Organising Fellowship
- CounterAct
- Craig Andrews
- Craig Reucassel
- Cristina Flesher Fominaya
- Cynthia Kaufman
- Dalilah Shemia-Goeke
- Danielle Celemajer
- Daniel Hunter
- Dani Lindamood
- Danny Sriskandarajah
- Darren Barefoot
- DataCenter - Research for Justice
- Dave Gray
- David Isaacs
- David Mejia-Canales
- David Paris
- David Worth
- Deborah Barndt
- Democracy in Colour
- Democracy Labs
- Democracy Resource Hub
- Denisse Sandoval
- Department of Environment
- Dialogues en humanité
- Digital Storytellers
- Dinah Arndt
- Dinner Party Labs (The)
- Disability Action Network Australia DANA
- Disability Advocacy Resource Unit DARU
- Disability Resource Centre DRC
- Disability SURJ
- Disability Visibility Project
- Django Merope Synge
- Dominique Cantwell
- Dora Sivka
- Dorka Takacsy
- Doyle Canning
- Duke University
- Duncan Green
- Dyanna Jaye
- Dylan Cohen
- Eav Brennan
- Ecanvasser
- Eden Barrett
- Edwina Byrne
- Edwina Howell
- Ed Miliband
- Effective Activist
- Eleonore Wesserle
- Elizabeth Beier
- Elizabeth McKenna
- Elliott Fukui
- Elly Desmarchelier
- El Gibbs
- Emily De Rango
- Emily Hunter
- Emily Lau
- Emily Mulligan
- Emily Wood Trounce
- Emma Bainbridge
- Environmental Justice Atlas
- Environmental Justice Australia
- Erica Chenoweth
- Erin Gilmer
- Erin Laurence
- Ernie Cortes
- European Alternatives
- European Center for Digital Action
- European Community Organizing Network ECON
- European Youth For Action
- Evelyn Arellano
- Ewelina Kycia
- E. T. Smith
- Fabian Pfortmüller
- Facilitators for Pandemic Response Group
- Fair & Just Prosecution
- Faisal al-Asaad
- Faith Matters Network
- Federation of Young European Greens
- Fee Mozeley
- Fee Plumley
- Fiona Stanley
- First Peoples Disability Network Australia
- Fito Network
- Fitzroy Legal Service
- FOE Barmah-Millewa Collective
- Folabi Olagbaju
- For Purpose
- Fran Peavey
- Friends of the Earth (UK)
- Future Advocacy
- Gan Golan
- Gary Foley
- Gáspár Bendegúz Tikász
- Gastivists
- Gee
- Gene Sharp
- George Gabriel
- George Lakey
- Georgia Almond
- Georgina Woods
- Geraldine Fela
- Geraldine Robertson
- Gergö Hajdu
- GetUp
- Gideon Rosenblatt
- Gillian Triggs
- Gill Shaw
- Gisela Ervin-Ward
- Glenn Todd
- Glen Berman
- Global Fund for Women Fundamental Project
- Global Grassroots Support Network GGSN
- Godfrey Moase
- Good Chat
- Grace Dowling
- Grace Vegesana
- Grassroots Activists
- GreenLaw
- Green Bans Art Walks Project
- Greg Ferrington
- GroundTruth Project (The)
- Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation
- Iain McIntyre
- Iain Murray
- Ian Milliss
- Inclusion Australia
- India Prior
- Indira Narayan
- Inès Lepage
- Institute of Community Directors Australia
- International Center on Nonviolent Conflict ICNC
- Intertwine
- Irene Rahman
- Irina Bukharin
- Isabelle Grondin Hernandez
- Isabelle L’Héritier
- Iustina Neagu
- Ivan Marovic
- Jacinta Cubis
- Jackie Huggins
- Jackie Turner
- Jackie Williams
- Jack Zhou
- Jacobin
- Jacob Xavier
- Jacqueline N. Font-Guzmán
- Jada L. Kennedy
- James Haughton
- James L. VanHise
- James Macanufo
- James Muldoon
- James Özden
- James Suah Shilue
- James Whelan
- Jamie Bartlett
- Jamie Gorman
- Jamie Irwin
- Jamie Latvaitis
- Janel B. Galvanek
- Janey Stone
- Jane Booth-Tobin
- Jane Farmer
- Jane Johnston
- Jane McAlevey
- Janice Robinson
- Jan Paul Smit
- Jasmin Rodriguez-Schroeder
- Jason Gibson
- Jason MacLeod
- Jason Mogus
- Jason Wu
- Jawoon Kim
- Jeanne Rewa
- Jean Hinchliffe
- Jeewon Kim
- Jeff and Jill Sparrow
- Jennifer Richter
- Jennifer Rietbergen-McCracken
- Jennifer Trinh
- Jeremy Brecher
- Jeroen Robbe
- Jesse Marks
- Jessica Kendall
- Jessica Morrison
- Jessie Mawson
- Jess Beckerling
- Jill L Ferguson
- Joan Garry
- Joan Minieri
- Joel Bedos
- Joel Dignam
- Joe Solomon
- John Croft
- John Feffer
- John Gaventa
- John Hepburn
- John Minns
- John Stone
- John Watts
- Jonathan Cox
- Jonathan La Nauze
- Jonathan Matthew Smucker
- Jonathan Pinckney
- Jon Ferguson
- Joshua Creaser
- Josh Yoder
- Judy Kuo
- Judy Lambert
- Julie Lyford
- Julie Szabo
- Justine Bell-James
- Jørgen Johansen
- Karen Nilsen
- Karin Roland
- Karrina Nolan
- Katalizo
- Kate Larsen
- Katherine Sladden
- Katherine Tu
- Kathleen McCann
- Kathryn McCallum
- Kath Albury
- Kaytee Ray-Riek
- Keith Hammond
- Keith Kelleher
- Kelly Ann McKercher
- Kelly Fielding
- Kelly Nefer
- Kelly Schoolmeester
- Kenneth S. Stern
- Kenzie Harris
- Kevin Douglas Grant
- Khan B. Shairani
- Kifah Shah
- Kinga Kalocsai
- Kirsten Blair
- Kirsty Albion
- Kirsty McNeill
- Koreti Tiumalu
- Krysia Birman
- Kunoor Ojha
- Kurt Iveson
- Kyinzom Dhongdue
- Kyle R Matthews
- Laniyuk
- Larissa Baldwin
- Larraine Larri
- Laura O’Connell Rapira
- Laurence Cox
- Laurie Laybourn-Langton
- Leaderful Organizing
- Leading Change Network
- Leah Hunt-Hendrix
- Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
- Leah M. Fusco
- Lee Oliver
- Lee Smithey
- Lee Strike
- Lennart Klein
- Lenore Layman
- Lenore Taylor
- Lesley Wood
- Liane Munro
- Liangyi Chang
- Lilian Spencer
- Linda Parlane
- Lisa Milner
- Lisa Schirch
- Lisa VeneKlasen
- Living Room Conversations
- Liza Baranyai
- Liz Ross
- Liz Scarfe
- Liz Turner
- Lois Levy
- Lois Peeler
- Luis Marchese
- Luke Whiting
- Lynley Ducker
- Maciej Bartkowski
- Maddocks
- Maddy Rose Braddon
- Madeline Ostrander
- Magaret Lawson
- Maggie Cowling
- Majken Jul Sorensen
- Manisha Amin
- Manufactures and Commerce
- Marco Giugni
- Margaret Klein Salamon
- Margaret Pestorius
- Maria Grasso
- Maria Stephan
- Marija Peric
- Marilyn Metta
- Marina Tota
- Marisa Holmes
- Marium Navid
- Markus Ostarek
- Mark Engler
- Mark Iaacs
- Maroš Chmelík
- Marshall Ganz
- Martina Nicolls
- Marty Branagan
- Mary Joyce
- Mar Garcia Sanz
- Matthew Butcher
- Matt Bonner
- Matt Hirschy
- Matt Ross
- Maurice Mitchell
- Maxwell J Smith
- Meena Hussain
- Meena Palaniappan
- Melbourne Activist Legal Support
- Melbourne Street Medic Collective
- Meredith Burgmann
- Micah Demmert
- Micah Scott
- Michael Beer
- Michael Pulsford
- Michael Silberman
- Michelle Mascarenhas-Swan
- Michelle Meagher
- Michelle Oyakawa
- Mike Donaldson
- Mike Gecan
- Millie Rooney
- Millie Telford
- Mobilisation Lab
- Moira Cully
- Moira Williams
- Momentum Community
- Monica Davies
- Monique Choy
- Montana Human Rights Network
- Moshik Temkin
- Movement Generation
- Movement Learning Catalyst
- Movement Strategy Center
- Mutual Disaster Aid Mutual Relief
- Myint Cho
- Nadia Montague
- Nadine Bloch
- Nancy Pearson
- Naomi Blackburn
- Narrative Initiative
- Natasha Adams
- National Academy of Community Organising
- National University of Ireland Maynooth
- Navigate
- Nayantara Sen
- Neale Towart
- Ned Howey
- Neha Madhok
- Nerissa Nashin
- Neus
- New Economy Organisers Network
- New Media Mentors
- New Organizing Institute
- NGP Van
- Nicky Ison
- Nicky Stott
- Nick Beuret
- Nick Engelfried
- Nick Everett
- Nick Martlew
- Nick Moraitis
- Nick Southall
- Nicolas Haeringer
- Nicolas Treloar
- Nicola Paris
- Nicole Carty
- Nico Luchsinger
- Nico White
- Nikos Exarchopoulos
- Paige Burton
- Parliament of Australia
- Patrick Meier
- Patrick Reinsborough
- Paul Engler
- Paul Getsos
- Peoples History of Australia
- People with Disability Australia PWDA
- Peter Ackerman
- Peter Cole
- Peter Gibbs
- Peter Lewis
- Pete Kronowitt
- Philippe Duhamel
- Phillip Deery
- Phil Wilmot
- Pinar Temocin
- Polly Edwards
- PowerLabs
- Priyanka Borpujari
- ProgTech Network Australia
- Protect Democracy
- Psychology for a Safe Climate
- Pt'chang
- Public Interest Research Centre
- Rachel Collinson
- Rachel Harris
- Rachel Phan
- Rachel Schragis
- Radhika Jhaveri
- RadHR
- Rae Abileah
- Rafif Jouejati
- Raisely
- Randall Smith
- Randi Weingarten
- Rapid Response Network
- Ray Jureidini
- Rebecca Carmichael
- Rebecca Subar
- Reece Proudfoot
- Reema Yasser Ahmad
- Renee Carr
- ReState
- ReThink Health
- re:power
- Rhizome
- Ricardo Levins Morales
- Richard Bartlett
- Richard Fuller
- Richard Hackman
- Rippel Foundation
- Robbie Thorpe
- Robyn Gulliver
- Rochelle Porteous
- Rod Napier
- Roj Amedi
- Rooted in Rights
- Roots of Change Collective
- Rowan Cahill
- Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts
- Rubby Emir
- Ruchira Talukdar
- Ruckus Society
- Rural Assembly
- Ruth Kinna
- Ruth Rosenhek
- Ruth Wageman
- Ryan Leitner
- Sage Hayes
- Sally McManus
- Sammie Ablaza Wills
- Samuel Chu
- Sam Dorman
- Sam La Rocca
- Sam Mclean
- Sam Mostyn
- Sam Rye
- Sarah Boddington
- Sarah Schulman
- Sara Adams
- Sascha Mombartz
- Sashenka Worsman
- Saul Alinsky
- School of Psychology
- Sean Scalmer
- Seb Prowse
- Seeds for Change
- Shareable
- Sharon France
- Shayla Smith
- Shea Sinnott
- Sheila McKechnie Foundation
- Shen Narayanasamy
- Siddetsizlik Eğitim ve Araştırma Derneği | Nonviolence Education and Research Association (Türkiye)
- Silas Harrebye
- Simone Rosser
- Simon Clough
- Skills for Action
- Skills You Need
- SNCC Legacy Project
- Social Change Agency
- Social Change Initiative SCI
- Social Change Lab
- Social Movement Technologies SMT
- Sogi Campaigns
- Sophia Zaia
- Sophie Hartley
- Sophie Lasoff
- Sophy Banks
- Sorcha Rochford
- Soul Han
- Spirit in Action
- Srilatha Batliwala
- Starhawk
- Starts With Us
- State of Victoria
- Stephen Duncombe
- Stephen Piggott
- Stephen Zunes
- Steven K. Kapp
- Steve Hughes
- Steve Killelea
- Steve Wright
- Sunni Brown
- Susan Erenrich
- Sustaining All Life
- Sutapa Chattopadhyay
- Sydney Policy Lab
- Tal Fitzpatrick
- Tammy Wong Hulbert
- Tanya Newman
- Tara Ayres
- Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman
- Tectonica
- Tegan Mossop
- Terry Irving
- Testing Change Project
- Te Raukura O’Connell Rapira
- The RSA
- Thomas Swann
- Tim Hollo
- Tim Singleton Norton
- Tinselyn Simms
- Tipping Point
- Tipping Point UK
- Todd Pinkerton
- Tom Bramble
- Tom Liacas
- Tom Maitland
- Tom O’Lincoln
- Tracey Nayler
- Tracy Frauzel
- Training for Change
- Transformational Change Leadership
- Troy Innocent
- Tyson Yunkaporta
- Waging Nonviolence Editors
- Warm Cookies of the Revolution
- War Resisters’ International
- Water and Planning
- Wellington Water Watchers
- Weronika Paszewska
- Western States Center
- Wild Apricot
- William Potter
- Will Lawrence
- Winnie Byaniyama
- Winnifred Louis
- Wioleta Hutniczak
- Witness
- Womens Climate Justice Collective (WCJC)
- Womens Environmental Leadership Australia WELA
- Women’s Political Association
- Worawa Aborginal College
- Workers' Art Collective