Explore how humor and dilemma actions empower pro-democracy movements by exposing authoritarian absurdities and fostering community resilience.
Horizons Project
Harnessing Our Power to End (HOPE) Political Violence
The HOPE guide is designed to help people counter political violence. It aims to empower individuals and strengthen communities to make political violence backfire against those who incite, threaten, and enact it.
Organizing in Increasingly Repressive Environments: Pushing Against Criminalization
With the global rise of authoritarianism, civil society is experiencing an unprecedented crack down. Lessons from organizing against repression in Florida, Brazil, and Nicaragua.
Mediation for Movements: Managing Intra-Movement Conflict
Explore how movements can manage internal conflict when it inevitably arises as they seek to build broad-based pro-democracy coalitions of active, passive, and unlikely allies.
Violence and the Backfire Effect
There are ways that social movements and organizers can handle violence to their advantage and why violence can backfire.
Bridge Building and Power Building: An Ecosystem Approach to Social Change
Better understand how the work of activists, bridge-builders, and organizers can reinforce one another as well as be in constructive tension.
Authoritarianism: How You Know It When You See It
Understand the key attributes of authoritarian systems, how authoritarians wield power, and ways to counter it.
Defending Democracy with Humor and Dilemma Actions Tactics
Explore how humor and dilemma actions empower pro-democracy movements by exposing authoritarian absurdities and fostering community resilience.
Harnessing Our Power to End (HOPE) Political Violence
The HOPE guide is designed to help people counter political violence. It aims to empower individuals and strengthen communities to make political violence backfire against those who incite, threaten, and enact it.
Organizing in Increasingly Repressive Environments: Pushing Against Criminalization
With the global rise of authoritarianism, civil society is experiencing an unprecedented crack down. Lessons from organizing against repression in Florida, Brazil, and Nicaragua.
Mediation for Movements: Managing Intra-Movement Conflict
Explore how movements can manage internal conflict when it inevitably arises as they seek to build broad-based pro-democracy coalitions of active, passive, and unlikely allies.
Violence and the Backfire Effect
There are ways that social movements and organizers can handle violence to their advantage and why violence can backfire.
Bridge Building and Power Building: An Ecosystem Approach to Social Change
Better understand how the work of activists, bridge-builders, and organizers can reinforce one another as well as be in constructive tension.
Authoritarianism: How You Know It When You See It
Understand the key attributes of authoritarian systems, how authoritarians wield power, and ways to counter it.