
Movement Generation

Photo of participants in an outdoor activity. They hold a web of string bove their heads. The scene is a grassy backyard with blue sky behind.

Permanently Organized Communities

Movement Generation share key principles for building resilient organised communities during and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. Includes emphasis on local self-governance and networks of mutual care.

People helping each other through flood waters.

A Critical Framework for Just Recovery

The climate crisis exacerbates pre-existing inequalities. Movement Generation provide a framework for Just Recovery from extreme weather events including root cause remedies, revolutionary self-governance, rights-based organizing, reparations, and ecological restoration for resilience.

Section from the cover page of Propagate, Pollinate, Practice. Includes photographs of people engaging in Movement Generation trainings.

Resilience based organizing

Resilience-Based Organizing departs from traditional organising approaches to address the reality of the ecological crisis. It involves 3 core ingredients: Reclaim Our Labor; Contest for Power, Create a Crisis of Governance; Lead With Vision.

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