People Power, Civil Resistance and Nonviolent Action NVA Trainers and Facilitators – Lists of training activities from Beautiful Trouble.
Beautiful Trouble
Pillars of Power Analysis: Identify the Institutions
Identify the institutions that your target relies on for support so you can weaken or disrupt their power.
Power Mapping to Design a Winning Campaign Strategy
Map the power dynamics at play to identify your primary target and design a winning campaign strategy.
The Tactic Star
The Tactic Star is a tool for planning and evaluating tactics, it names some key factors that change agents should consider when determining their tactics.
Defund the police! (Creatively)
A look at the creative tactics being used to defund the police. Protest resources from Beautiful Trouble for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Beautiful Action Trainer Modules (BATMo): Resources for Nonviolent Action Trainers
People Power, Civil Resistance and Nonviolent Action NVA Trainers and Facilitators – Lists of training activities from Beautiful Trouble.
Pillars of Power Analysis: Identify the Institutions
Identify the institutions that your target relies on for support so you can weaken or disrupt their power.
Power Mapping to Design a Winning Campaign Strategy
Map the power dynamics at play to identify your primary target and design a winning campaign strategy.
The Tactic Star
The Tactic Star is a tool for planning and evaluating tactics, it names some key factors that change agents should consider when determining their tactics.
Defund the police! (Creatively)
A look at the creative tactics being used to defund the police. Protest resources from Beautiful Trouble for the Black Lives Matter movement.