
Anita Tang

a big red barn

Guide to Barnstorming: Step Up Volunteers Fast!

Barnstorms are large campaign events which activate volunteers and supporters to step up and convene actions. Anita Tang shares the model developed by the Bernie Sanders campaign with suggestions for the Australian context.

Photograph of a neon question mark in a dark room.

How to Run a Campaign Clinic

Anita Tang shares the process for running a Campaign Clinic to generate fresh ideas and innovations in campaigning.

close up of head phones

Solidarity in times of crisis: Listen to the Progress 2019 panel

Audio recording of the ‘Solidarity In Times Of Crisis’ panel from Progress 2019. Speakers considered the role of civil society in countering the conditions and beliefs that give rise to daily discrimination as well as events such as the Christchurch terror attacks.  

Cover of Daniel Hunter's book 'Strategy & Soul'. Features a photograph of Daniel Hunter and fellow campaigner Jethro Heiko with the Philadelphia Town Hall in the background.

Strategy & Soul Insights

Anita Tang reflects on meeting Daniel Hunter and reading his book Strategy and Soul. She shares insights from his work which can contribute to strategic and soulful campaigning.

Image of an xy axis. The x axis is the level of support and the y axis is the level of influence.

Power Mapping and Analysis

This tool will guide your team through a power mapping analysis to inform your campaign strategy with a thorough picture of the players, and their power. It runs step by step through a collaborative exercise where your team can all contribute to visual map of power holders and power relationships affecting your issue and campaign.

boy standing on ladder reaching for the clouds

Designing Motivational Work for Staff and Volunteers

For volunteers or staff to be driven to do their work, it must be motivational, both ‘extrinsically’ and ‘intrinsically’. However, we often the intrinsic elements of the work. Read on to learn about how to design tasks to make them more intrinsically motivational.

The Unicorn Activity: Political Lobbying Role Play

This role play activity outlines an interactive session to help people experience a political lobbying meeting, in a light-hearted way. The role play involves people being from either the Minister for Magical Creatures, or the NGO “Unicorn Revive”.

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