black screen with white writing - why would activists archive

Activist Archiving: Start Here


Welcome to the archiving related resources in the Commons Social Change Library. We have gathered a wide range of materials to inform the public about archiving and social change moments and movements.

Ever heard the phrase ‘history is written by the victors’? People who own knowledge or information have power over the way in which future generations remember certain events, or even, certain groups within society. Therefore archives can empower or disempower. – Annelie De Villers

In order to learn the lessons of social movement history we need people to keep records of what actually happened. Archiving your campaign might not feel like a big priority when you’re busy fighting the good fight – but it can ensure your side of the story of that fight gets told.

To get started the Commons Librarians recommend the following resources.

Why archive? Here are 5 reasons…

Video: Why Archive by Archive Activists  (CC BY-SA 3.0)

  1. Accountability: Archives collect evidence that can hold those in power accountable.
  2. Accessibility: Archives make the rich record of our movements accessible. We can use them to ensure transparency, generate discussion, and enable direct action.
  3. Self-determination: We define our own movements. We need to create and maintain our own historical record.
  4. Education: Today’s videos, flyers, webpages, and signs are material for tomorrow’s skill-shares, classes and mobilizations.
  5. Continuity: Just as past movements inspire us, new activists will learn from the experiences we document.

Source: Activist-Archivists, 2012 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)

Ever heard the phrase ‘history is written by the victors’? People who own knowledge or information have power over the way in which future generations remember certain events, or even, certain groups within society. Therefore archives can empower or disempower.  – Annelie De Villers

How to archive? 6 resources to give you ideas

Archiving can take different forms depending on the needs of your group and your ideas about what will be useful. There is no set archiving path – see what ideas and archives are out there.

  1. Crowdsource your archives: Community-based approaches to archiving
  2. Documenting social change in Australia: A list of archives at your fingertips
  3. Get archiving! Archivist Activist backpacks, hackathons and other ideas
  4. How to Archive a Protest: A Field Guide For Southern Memory Workers
  5. Tips and tools for archiving video and social media
  6. A collection of articles about community archives from Medium

Want to learn more about Australian social movement history?

The archiving efforts of those who came before help us learn from social movement history. Here’s some links to get you started.

Timelines of Australian social change

Case studies of movements and moments in history

How does your organisation or campaign undertake archiving? Contact the Librarians if you have tips and tricks to share. We’re also looking for groups who would like to embark on a new approach and trial some different tools.

  • Author:
  • Organisation: The Commons Social Change Library
  • Location: Australia
  • Release Date: 2019

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