birds eye view of desk with office paraphernalia including phones, laptops, etc.

Working in Groups: Start Here

A guide to the resources in the Working in Groups topic on the Commons Library.


Welcome to the Working in Groups topic in the Commons Social Change Library. Effective and lasting change tends to be the result of people working together in groups and networks towards a shared goal. Social change can’t be won by isolated individuals, it requires us to do the rewarding but sometimes messy work of collaborating with others.

This topic is designed to offer a range of resources to help organisations and individuals be more informed, intentional and skilled when engaging in group work.

For groups to work effectively there needs to be a level of coordination, collaboration, promotion of diversity, and the skills to participate and facilitate well. Conflict and power dynamics are inherent parts of group life that can be understood, prepared for and responded to. Team work and morale can be fostered and built.

You can search within the topic by using the ‘Refine by Format’, ‘Refine by Author’, and ‘Refine by Collection’ filter functions. The ‘Refine by Topic’ option will assist in applying a filter that will identify resources which cross over with other topics within the Commons Social Change Library (e.g. Diversity & Inclusion).

Group Life

Nothing precedes purpose. The starting point for every organisation or movement should be the question ‘Why do we exist’? If you serve in an existing organisation that has plateaued, is declining or is simply discouraged your most important task is to redefine your purpose. – Purpose Driven Campaigning

Group Culture, Purpose & Values

Group Dynamics

Diversity and Inclusion

Skills for Group Participation

Working in a group may require individuals and organisations to grow and develop in order to perform their best work. Many of the problems of group life relate to poor communication and avoidance or embedded conflict. Through practice and reflection we can build our skills, awareness and ability to work as a collective.



Review and Debriefing

Meetings & Facilitation

These tools and techniques can be used in decision-making, problem-solving and when it is opportune to bring a new approach or energy to the proceedings. They aim to provide ways to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be fully involved and are able to contribute. – Facilitation Tools and Techniques


Online Meetings and Training


The meeting guides in the sections above also include facilitation tips.



Building & Coordinating Teams

This section includes resources to guide the set up and maintenance of teams. It includes particular models for groups operating as part of organising or nonviolent direct action campaigns. Social change can be hard work so we’ve included tips to maintain morale when working alongside others towards a shared purpose.

Building Strong Teams

Direct Action Groups

Volunteer Coordination

Morale and Wellbeing

Tools for Collaboration

Looking for more?


Thanks to Ailish Gannon, Commons Library volunteer, for putting together this comprehensive guide. If you have additional materials that should be included in this topic please contact the Commons Librarians.