This Feminist Influencing Basket of Resources guides you through tools and activities to make visible the many systems of oppression.
Block, Bridge and Build: Playbook for an Inclusive Multi-Racial Democracy
Tools and frameworks for pro-democracy organizations and organizers on the front lines of the fight against authoritarianism.
Working in Groups: Start Here
A guide from The Commons Social Change Library with collated resources to help groups work together better.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Good Meetings
This leaderful organising tool is a roleplay exercise which teaches skills for facilitating and participating in good meetings.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Comfort, Learning and Panic Zones
Comfort, Learning and Panic Zones is a leaderful organizing tool that can support us to create a transformative group culture.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Conflict Icebergs
Conflict Icebergs is a leaderful organising tool allowing us to understand conflicts and find empowering perspectives within them.
Leaderful Organizing: Action Learning Cycle Framework
The Action Learning Cycle is an approach to learning which can strengthen the capacity for leaderful organizing.
Belonging: A Facilitator and Practice Guide
This guide is a powerful tool for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of belonging and cultivate practices that promote connection, empathy, and community.
Beautiful Action Trainer Modules (BATMo): Resources for Nonviolent Action Trainers
People Power, Civil Resistance and Nonviolent Action NVA Trainers and Facilitators – Lists of training activities from Beautiful Trouble.
Get in Formation: A Community Safety Toolkit
Security & safety practices, Verbal De-escalation, Office and Organizational Safety, and Security for events and actions by Vision Change Win.
Feminist Influencing Basket of Resources
This Feminist Influencing Basket of Resources guides you through tools and activities to make visible the many systems of oppression.
Block, Bridge and Build: Playbook for an Inclusive Multi-Racial Democracy
Tools and frameworks for pro-democracy organizations and organizers on the front lines of the fight against authoritarianism.
Working in Groups: Start Here
A guide from The Commons Social Change Library with collated resources to help groups work together better.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Good Meetings
This leaderful organising tool is a roleplay exercise which teaches skills for facilitating and participating in good meetings.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Comfort, Learning and Panic Zones
Comfort, Learning and Panic Zones is a leaderful organizing tool that can support us to create a transformative group culture.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Conflict Icebergs
Conflict Icebergs is a leaderful organising tool allowing us to understand conflicts and find empowering perspectives within them.
Leaderful Organizing: Action Learning Cycle Framework
The Action Learning Cycle is an approach to learning which can strengthen the capacity for leaderful organizing.
Belonging: A Facilitator and Practice Guide
This guide is a powerful tool for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of belonging and cultivate practices that promote connection, empathy, and community.
Beautiful Action Trainer Modules (BATMo): Resources for Nonviolent Action Trainers
People Power, Civil Resistance and Nonviolent Action NVA Trainers and Facilitators – Lists of training activities from Beautiful Trouble.
Get in Formation: A Community Safety Toolkit
Security & safety practices, Verbal De-escalation, Office and Organizational Safety, and Security for events and actions by Vision Change Win.