

icons of two hands up in the air. TExt says Seeds for Change: In depth guide: facilitating meetings

Facilitating Meetings: A guide to making your meetings effective, inclusive and enjoyable

Introduction An in-depth guide by Seeds for Change about facilitating meetings and how to make them more effective, inclusive and enjoyable. Meetings have the potential to be inspiring! They provide a space where people come together for a common purpose – whether that’s making decisions, exploring a shared problem or providing mutual support. Ideally, everyone […]

Ending the Activist Year Well

After a big year of effort it’s important to take time for reflection, evaluation, team-building, celebration, and planning. These resources will help.

First slide from 350.org's Online Training Monster Manual slide deck. Includes picture of a purple monster with one large eye holding an open laptop computer.

Online Training Monster Manual

Tired of making new slide decks for interactive tools? Want new ideas on participatory methods online? Looking for new games and warm-ups? The “Online Monster Manual” is a compilation of 80+ online training tools from 350 globally.

close up of man's hands gesturing in front of a laptop set up in table with woman in background

Facilitating online meetings

Online meetings can be a lot of fun! Here are a few ideas to make your meetings exciting, educational, and effective from Daniel Hunter, 350.org.

A group of friends stand with arms around each other looking out across a valley.

Running Effective Campaign Debriefs

Every campaign is a learning opportunity. Make the most of this by planning for the post-campaign period and setting up debriefs. Here are some tips for campaigners and facilitators.

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