Drawing of a pile of coins and a receipt VS a happy person strolling on a path through trees.

How to Talk About Economics: A Guide to Changing the Story


How to change the story cheat sheet and guide for anyone looking to better communicate economic issues to promote progressive policy.

Together with civil society partners, Australian Progress analysed the language people in Australia use to speak about economics (and tax, welfare, aid, privatisation, work and more) and commissioned compelling new research.

The research involved 8 focus groups and quantitative survey and dial test with a representative sample of 1509 Australian voters, and 60 advocates – staff in our partner organisations.

This 18-month collaboration and the commissioned research informed these new messaging resources which we expect will be useful and effective for communicators, campaigners and advocates for more progressive economic policy.

Messaging Guides

These guides contain general and specific advice on framing and language that win with persuadable audiences. They represent the best of what we know so far, from our analysis and this research project.

How to Talk About Economics: A Guide for Changing the Story.

The full guide is 50 pages long and details the research process, the key insights into how people reason about the economy, and detailed analysis of the key narrative and language shifts that move persuadable audiences toward progressive policy. Download it here.

The How to Talk about Economics “Cheat Sheet”

A short, eight-page ready-reckoner to the top takeaway lessons from the research to guide anyone looking to better communicate economic issues to promote progressive policy. Download it here.

Research Appendices

These reports from our research partners (Tim Chapman of The Bluestone Agency, John Armitage of QDOS Research and Troy Burton of Reveille Strategy) informed the research:

  • Research results: A detailed visual presentation of the quantitative research, including additional analysis: Download it here.
  • Focus Group Report from John Armitage of QDOS Research. Download it here.

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