A group of people gathered to protest the proposed development at James Price Point
Opponents of the proposed gas hub show their support in an effort to stop the planned development. Photo: Bronte Turner for the Bob Brown Foundation

What Makes Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA) Effective?


The following characteristics of effective and ineffective nonviolent direct action were gathered at a Melbourne Campaigners’ Network session in 2013. The session also featured a presentation by Nicola Paris about the campaign to stop the gas hub development at Walmadan (James Price Point in the Kimberley).

Nicola encouraged us to consider the role nonviolent direct action can play in campaigns. In small groups we reflected on our experiences and shared what makes NVDA either effective or ineffective. Here’s a summary of what folks came up with.

Characteristics of Effective NVDA

  • Well organised coherent and logical actions with clear roles
  • Clarity about group commitments and guidelines, or a code of conduct that participants abide by
  • Clarity about the target and audience with actions designed to communicate with them
  • Actions run on your own terms, not just reacting to the other side
  • Visual impact and good aesthetics, with film and photos taken for immediacy and personal connection
  • Good communication – but not necessarily always transparent, to allow for planning of actions ‘under the radar’
  • Support and involvement by different groups
  • Group cohesion and a strong culture of trust between participants and in organisers
  • Engaging people who aren’t the ‘usual suspects’ such as older non-subcultural folks (like the No Gas Hub ‘nanna action’)
  • NVDA training to prepare people well and ensure a shared understanding of what is occurring
  • Debriefs to support people and learn lessons from actions
  • Empowering actions where people feel they have control for example over whether they will be arrested or not
  • Use of humour to deal with fear, release tension and ridicule opponents
  • Looking out for each other and offering support to those who are struggling

Characteristics of Ineffective NVDA

  • Losing track of objectives, running actions which aren’t strategic or effective in reaching campaign goals
  • Unapproachable ‘cliquey’ groups which are not welcoming to new members
  • Horizontal hostility ie in-fighting, anger directed at each other rather than opponents
  • Poor communication and exclusion of people from decisions which affect them
  • Diversity of tactics – peaceful actions being undermined by the choice of some participants to use violent means or step outside the agreed guidelines
  • Failing to follow through for example running an action but not pursuing media coverage or communicating to other supporters
  • Going in to an action unprepared for conflict
  • Allowing participants to feel isolated and unsupported
  • Being overly local or niche and failing to tell an engaging story to a broader audience
  • Disempowering actions which leave people feeling overwhelmed and hopeless

This is what we discussed on the night but of course there are many other factors which can render NVDA effective or ineffective. Learn from past experiences via these resources.

The No Gas campaign applied the following criteria to any NVDA actions that they undertook:

  • Stop or delay work
  • Bring people to the cause – through inclusive and inspiring actions
  • Highlight the issues and educate people through the media

When you are planning your campaign make sure you are clear about the criteria for assessing potential tactics.

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