A toolkit for grassroots groups that explores how power works and how powerful we can be when people act together in common cause and solidarity with each other.
Campaigning – Grassroots
Building Movement Capacity and Structure: Ella Baker and the Civil Rights Movement
Take inspiration from this Civil Rights Movement story about how to build movement capacity and structure. Learn about Ella Baker and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee SNCC.
You talk, We die: The Battle for Victoria’s First Safe Injecting Facility – Book review
A campaign case study and book review of a rapid-fire campaign journey to establish a drug injecting centre in inner-city Melbourne.
Australian Blockading Handbooks
A collection of Australian Blockading Handbooks from the 1980s to the present including the Daintree, Franklin River, Jabiluka, etc.
Supporting Grassroots Justice-oriented Activists Around the World: A Year’s Worth of Learnings
Grassroots activism often lacks funding & support but the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN) has brought together organizers to tackle common challenges and share resources.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Race Class Narrative Checklist
Race Class Narrative Checklist is a tool for increasing inclusion and solidarity in movements, by ensuring we push back against racism and classism.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Flipping the Script
Flipping the Script is a tool for building confidence in one on one conversations in community organizing.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Good Meetings
This leaderful organising tool is a roleplay exercise which teaches skills for facilitating and participating in good meetings.
Groundswell Gloucester: Fighting and Winning against Fracking
Insights into how a grass roots community campaign based in Gloucester Valley, NSW scored a major victory against the Coal Seam Gas industry.
Warm Cookies of the Revolution: Creative Approaches to Civic Health
In this article Denver, Colorado based group Warm Cookies of the Revolution outline how they use innovative arts and cultural programs to help people exercise their “Civic Health” and engage in social change.
Movement Power: A Toolkit for Building People Power in a Time of Crisis (Zine)
A toolkit for grassroots groups that explores how power works and how powerful we can be when people act together in common cause and solidarity with each other.
Building Movement Capacity and Structure: Ella Baker and the Civil Rights Movement
Take inspiration from this Civil Rights Movement story about how to build movement capacity and structure. Learn about Ella Baker and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee SNCC.
You talk, We die: The Battle for Victoria’s First Safe Injecting Facility – Book review
A campaign case study and book review of a rapid-fire campaign journey to establish a drug injecting centre in inner-city Melbourne.
Australian Blockading Handbooks
A collection of Australian Blockading Handbooks from the 1980s to the present including the Daintree, Franklin River, Jabiluka, etc.
Supporting Grassroots Justice-oriented Activists Around the World: A Year’s Worth of Learnings
Grassroots activism often lacks funding & support but the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN) has brought together organizers to tackle common challenges and share resources.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Race Class Narrative Checklist
Race Class Narrative Checklist is a tool for increasing inclusion and solidarity in movements, by ensuring we push back against racism and classism.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Flipping the Script
Flipping the Script is a tool for building confidence in one on one conversations in community organizing.
Leaderful Organizing Tool: Good Meetings
This leaderful organising tool is a roleplay exercise which teaches skills for facilitating and participating in good meetings.
Groundswell Gloucester: Fighting and Winning against Fracking
Insights into how a grass roots community campaign based in Gloucester Valley, NSW scored a major victory against the Coal Seam Gas industry.
Warm Cookies of the Revolution: Creative Approaches to Civic Health
In this article Denver, Colorado based group Warm Cookies of the Revolution outline how they use innovative arts and cultural programs to help people exercise their “Civic Health” and engage in social change.