About the Progress Capacity Building Hub
Australian Progress’ Capacity Building Hub supports small nonprofits and grassroots movements to survive the pandemic and thrive beyond it.
Since Covid-19 hit Australia, the landscape change makers operate in has changed entirely, bringing with it a new set of challenges and barriers to creating impact. The Capacity Building Hub offers tailored capacity building and coaching to grassroots movements and small nonprofits working on issues directly impacted by the pandemic, with a focus on organisations led by people with lived experience of the issues on which they campaign.
The organisations included in the Hub include advocates for First Nations justice, racial justice, affordable housing, intergenerational equality, disability justice, gender equality, a climate-led recovery and more.
This collection brings together materials from governance to fundraising to digital campaigning that many small organisations will find useful.
The Hub offers tailored capacity building to 50 grassroots movements and small nonprofits (under $1M annual budget) working on issues directly impacted by the pandemic, including advocates for First Nations justice, affordable housing, intergenerational equality, disability justice, gender equality, a climate-led recovery and more. Dependant upon need, the Hub will offer a combination of one or more of the following:
- 1:1 coaching, mentoring and fundraising strategy support (time-limited)
- Financial management training
- Free training webinars on financial literacy and fundraising
- Free training webinars on new skills and knowledge relevant to the current context, such as messaging, government relations and online organising
- Discounted scholarship places in Australian Progress trainings
- A resource hub with practical guides and templates
- A peer network to facilitate connection, collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas
- Free or heavily discounted places to sector-wide events, such as Virtual Progress
A further 150 organisations will have access to free skills webinars, a resource hub, shared peer network and free or discounted scholarship tickets to sector-wide events, such as Progress and FWD+Organise.
Guide to the Resources
The Capacity Building Hub’s collection of resources on the Commons Library come from many different sources and have been selected on the basis of their relevance to grassroots movements and small not-for-profit. The collection will grow over time and we welcome your recommendations!
Purpose Driven Campaigning
- Purpose Driven Campaigning Summary and excerpt: Being Purpose Driven
- Levels of Commitment from Community to Core
- Governance Resources for Australian Not-for-Profits
- Policy Bank: Policy and procedure templates for not-for-profit organisations
- Fundraising: Start Here
- Fundraising Strategy and Planning
- Major Donor Fundraising: Oxfam’s Experience
- Organising: Start Here
- Levels of Commitment from Community to Core – includes a worksheet you can download and use for mapping your organisation’s Circles of Commitment
- Running a Campaign Clinic
Media, Communications & Digital
- How to Frame Issues for Social Change Impact
- How to do a Great Media Interview
- Building Digital Power: A Playbook for Changemakers
Meetings & Events
- Online Guides to Get You Through Covid-19 – a range of practical guides including facilitation tips, tech tips, and online energisers
- Online Training Monster Manual – includes interactive slides you can edit for your own meetings and training sessions
- The Five Fold Path of Productive Meetings
- How to Run Virtual Conferences and Retreats
Management & Human Resources
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse People in the Workplace
- Designing Motivational Work
- New Volunteer Checklist
Team Morale & Wellbeing
Learn from Australian Progress
- Community Organising & Digital Campaigning Webinar Series
- Australian Progress Conference Presentations and Articles
- Explore upcoming Australian Progress events
Looking for more?
- Organisations supported by the CBH might also find the Mobilisation Lab collection useful
- Browse the larger Australian Progress collection
- Browse the full Commons Library or start with guides to different topics
- Sign up for Capacity Building Hub updates
- Contact Australian Progress