Now more than ever, it’s important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias — and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term “intersectionality” to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you’re standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you’re likely to get hit by both. In this moving talk, she calls on us to bear witness to this reality and speak up for victims of prejudice.
Watch Video – The Urgency of Intersectionality
Now more than ever, it’s important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias — and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. – Kimberlé Crenshaw
Explore Further
- What is Intersectionality? Easy Read by Mencaps
- What is intersectionality – Video resource (short, under 3 min)
- Explaining intersectionality – Time
- What is intersectionality and why is it important
- The Intertwine Charter: Going beyond anti-discrimination and towards pro-active change to welcome others
- Climate Justice needs an Intersectional Approach: Toolkit
- Intersectionality Toolkit by Youth and Environment Europe
- Why North-South Intersectionality Matters in Climate Justice: Perspectives of South Asian Australian Youth Climate Activists