
Movements_Campaigns – Women’s rights

screenshot of online conference presenter,Noelene Nabulivou, presenting next to Auslan interpreter

All in For A Feminist Recovery

Hear from these powerhouse women on their vision for a feminist response to the crises the world faces. Video from Virtual Progress 2020.

paper cut of a red triangle pointing to a cut out of australia

People’s History of Australia Podcast

People’s History of Australia-podcast and blog looking at Australian history from the perspective of ordinary people fighting together for a better life.

Change Makers (Text on orange background)

ChangeMakers Podcast Series 1

The ChangeMakers podcast is short series podcast that tells stories about people who are striving for social change across the world.

Protestor holding Stop Adani sign on stage with Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Stop Adani and the Suffragettes Reflections on targets and tactics

Joel Dignam analyses two campaign moments: Stop Adani’s targeting of the ALP in the 2018 Queensland state election and the UK women’s suffrage campaign targeting of Liberals in 1905. The lesson? Target those most likely to give you what you want, and sometimes that means creating political risk for them.

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