screenshot of online conference presenter,Noelene Nabulivou, presenting next to Auslan interpreter
Speaker - Noelene Nabulivou and Auslan Interpreter

All in For A Feminist Recovery

Recording of a plenary session from Virtual Progress 2020.

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About the talk

Hear from these powerhouse women on their vision for a feminist response to the crises we face.

About the speakers

  • Khara Jabola Carolus is the executive Director if the Hawai’i State Commission on the Status of Women, and will share their feminist economic recovery plan for COVID-19 ‘Building Bridges, Not Walking on Backs’, centering gender in the nation’s rising racial and economic justice movements.
  • Jo Schofield is the National President of the newly formed United Workers Union, Australia’s biggest blue-collar union, representing many workers on the frontline of this crisis including childhood educators, farm workers, cleaners, hospitality workers and people working in warehouses and supermarket supply.
  • Tuisina Ymania Brown is a survivor of institutionalised discrimination, spousal gender based violence, racial profiling, and trans violence, discrimination and persecution. She is a proud faafafine and trans woman of colour from Samoa. She is the current Co-Secretary General of ILGA World, Co-Chair of the International Trans Fund and is on the Advisory Boards for Interpride Copenhagen2021.
  • Dr Jackie Huggins AM is a Bidjara (central Queensland) and Birri-Gubba Juru (North Queensland) woman from Queensland who has worked in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs for over forty years and was the former co-chair of National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples.
  • Noelene Nabulivou is a longtime feminist grassroots organiser and educator, feminist researcher, policy analyst, activist, advocate and movement-builder in Fiji for over 35 years. Noelene is the co-founder of Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality, a feminist Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (LBT) collective, working on issues of human rights and social justice, including sexual reproductive and health rights, ecological justice and feminist social organising.

About Virtual Progress 2020

Australian Progress held Virtual Progress 2020 on June 23-24. It was a rapid response online conference to respond to the intersecting crises of the pandemic, racial injustice, rising inequality and the climate crisis. The conference included 1,600 participants, 225 speakers from 13 countries, 5,000+ live chat messages and more than 60 sessions exploring everything from First Nations self-determination to racial justice, disability justice, health, economic fairness, the climate crisis and so much more.

See the Australian Progress collection on the Commons Library for materials from Virtual Progress 2020 and past events. To see what’s coming up in terms of training and events visit the Australian Progress site.