
Campaigning – Strategy

Aerial photograph of huge crowd filling Federation Square and surrounding streets.

Tips for Turnout from Your Rights at Work

The Your Rights at Work campaign ran from 2005 to 2007 and included some of the largest mobilisations in Australian social movement history. This article draws out some of the lessons in relation to ensuring strong turn-out at rallies and other events.

Large crowd gathered in front of the library. In the foreground someone holds up a placard reading 'Let Them Stay'.

The fight for the rights of people seeking asylum

At Progress 2017, GetUp!’s Shen Narayanasamy shared the strategy and critical lessons learnt during campaign work to protect the rights of people seeking asylum. To be effective the campaign needed to engage many different stakeholders across the movement and centre the lived experience of people most impacted.

A group of people gathered to protest the proposed development at James Price Point

What makes Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA) effective?

Nonviolent direct action can play a powerful role in campaigns. This article summarises some of the characteristics that can make NVDA either effective or ineffective, and encourages the use of clear tactics criteria in developing campaign strategy.

Image of protesters gathered with flags tied around them

Learning From a Tibet Campaign Win

Kyinzom Dhongdue from Australian Tibet Council shares the story of a campaign win and the lessons that can be taken from it. The country’s oldest university cancelled a talk by the Dalai Lama. Within a week, the University of Sydney backtracked and released a hasty statement welcoming His Holiness on campus in June. The short campaign shows the value of rapid response people power tactics.

Toolkit cover - Title reads 'Campaign Accelerator Toolkit'. Logo for MobLab in bottom left hand corner.

Campaign Accelerator Toolkit

Accelerate the campaign planning process with this toolkit to get campaigns out the door faster to create more effective campaigns.

Campaign Accelerator Toolkit

3 tools to test your campaign

3 tools to test early versions of campaign ideas with target audiences starting with deciding on what to prototype. These tools are by Mobilisation Lab.

illustrations of arrows and houses clouds surround icons of peolple and

Context Map Template

This Context Map template allows a team to foster a collective understanding of the overall context in which a campaign is happening.

System Map Template

Use this worksheet template to determine how you will talk about your campaign to inspire and motivate people to take action.

template form called 'Campaign Canvas Toolkit' with boxes to fill in. The text in the form reads '1. Vision What is the long term vision for what you want to achieve with this campaign? 2. What needs to change? Based on the problems we’ve identified that contribute to the current situation, what needs to change? 3. How can we create that change? How can we disrupt and transform the current system? How can we create culture change on this issue? How can we disrupt or transform insititions? How can we support or amplify alternatives? 4. Who can help? Who do we need to bring about this change? Who has influence? Who is affected? And who can we collaborate with? 5. What influences? What relationships, trends or events currently have influence/help sustain the current situation or could shift it? 6. Goals What is the specific goal for this project? Objectives What do we need to do to bring this about? 7. Outcomes What does success look like? Indicators How will we know we’re on the right path? 8. What’s the story? What are the key elements of the new narrative we want to create? 9. What do people need to do? How can audiences and allies help bring about this change? What are our asks to them? 10. What do we need to do? What are the key activities and tasks that we need to do to support people to take action and create a shift? 11. Assumptions What assumptions have we made about how the system will respond? Why do we believe this plan will succeed? 12. Risks Why might this plan fail? What resistance could we face? Are there risks to staff or the organisation? 13. Tracking & measuring What will we track and measure to show we are making progress towards our objectives?'.

The Campaign Canvas [Template]

From vision and strategy to storytelling and metrics, this template ensures you’ve touched on all the essentials of an effective campaign.

A lit up light box sitting on a black chair saying: Think outside the box

Freelancer Directory Creatives and Consultants for Social Good

Can’t find a photographer for your event? Want a new designer for a project? Looking to rebrand? Need some rapid-response campaign design work done? The Australian Progress crowd-sourced register of creative industry providers is a great place to start.

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