
Campaigning – Strategy

a large mass of people walking down the street protesting and holding signs. One sign reads Thou shall not mess with women's reproductive rights.

Campaign Starter Pack

This Campaign Starter Pack from Campaign Bootcamp UK contains information, inspiration and activity sheets, based on the experience and knowledge of people who have fought for change.

4 handouts by Campaign Bootcamp

Campaign Planning: How to Get Started

What is a campaign? and how do you start one? Here are ideas, steps and handouts from Campaign Bootcamp to help you get started with your campaign planning.

information sheet titles Story based Strategy 202. There are 5 icons and a silhouette of a crowd.

Story Based Strategy 101

An accessible guide to story based strategy in movement building by the Center for Story Based Strategy.

illustrations of arrows and houses clouds surround icons of peolple and

Context Map Template

This Context Map template allows a team to foster a collective understanding of the overall context in which a campaign is happening.

System Map Template

Use this worksheet template to determine how you will talk about your campaign to inspire and motivate people to take action.

template form with boxes to fill in

The Campaign Canvas

From vision and strategy to storytelling and metrics, this template ensures you’ve touched on all the essentials of an effective campaign.

Campaign Accelerator Toolkit

A toolkit to accelerate the planning process so we can get campaigns out the door faster to create more effective people powered campaigns.

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