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Deep Canvassing Scripts and Examples


Here is a collection of resources about deep canvassing scripts including script examples and ideas, video training and podcasts. See below for examples around particular issues including climate change and marriage equality.

Deep canvassing is an approach to conversations which is non-judgemental and invites people to open up about their real conflicted feelings on an issue. The canvasser shares vulnerably about their own life and asks curious questions to create mutual understanding grounded in lived experience. (This definition is sourced from The New Conversation Initiative)

Do you have a script? We invite you to share your script with us to include below to help others develop their own.

General Information

Sample Scripts for Deep Canvassing: Signature Gathering and Voter Research, CallHub, 2022 (Online article)

This article covers the basic components of a deep canvassing script.

Deep Canvassing to Shift Hearts, Mind and Votes

Caitlin Homrich-Knieling, Deep Canvass Coordinator at We the People Michigan in the United States talks about script development and how they come up with script as well as a useful tool called The Cone of Curiosity.

Insights from Deep Canvassing: Proven Scripts for Transformational Outreach, The New Conversation Initiative, Netroots Nation, 2021 (Video 60 mins)

Learn from Netroots Nation about research from the field of deep canvassing and receive training on how to apply this grassroots learning to your own power-building and persuasion work. They share takeaways on how to construct outreach scripts that bridge divides and move people powerfully, with practical examples from advocacy campaigns on the ground.
See video at 10:20 mins for script development process.

Issues based Scripts and Ideas


A new way to talk about abortion? In Maine, using deep conversation to reach voters, NPR, 2021 (Podcast – 4 minutes)

Climate Change

Deep Canvassing Toolkit, Neighbours United, 2022 (5 pg PDF)

This toolkit is full of useful links to materials they have developed and shared including Climate Action Scripts – online and in person, Script Iteration Examples and lots of training resources.

Neighbours United, formerly known as West Kootenay EcoSociety, developed their script over 1.5 years of script iterations, building off the learnings of many other deep canvasses and organizations, notably Montana Engagement Partnership, and in collaboration with the New Conversation Initiative, with support from Yale Program on Climate Change Communications.

Deep Canvassing Script: Voting for Climate in 2022, AYCC, 2022 (4 pg Google Document)

Here is the script used by The Australian Youth Climate Coalition AYCC in the lead up to 2022 Australian election to talk about climate. See also the AYCC website for more information about deep canvassing.

Deep Canvassing with Montana Burgess, Climate Organizing Shorts, 2024 (Podcast)

Montana Burgess, the Executive Director of Neighbours United, lead the first deep canvassing initiative on climate & energy globally. Learn how deep canvassing can inspire your community!

Canvassing for climate action: Here’s how to make it work, 2021 (Podcast 40:53 mins)

An interview with the West Kootenay EcoSociety (Canada) Executive Director who talks about how they came up with a script for climate change… they tried over 60 scripts. Read transcript and/or Read more about it.

Change the conversation from the ground-up with climate deep canvassing – Webinar, Climate Advocacy Lab, 2022

This recorded webinar gives a walkthrough of the deep canvassing design process including instructional materials, tips sheets, and sample scripts.
Note: One needs to login/become a member to access webinar.

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth: Climate Deep Canvassing Report – Report, 2023

A report about the Kentuckians For the Commonwealth deep canvassing approach and lessons learned.


Leadership LAB Conversation with a Voter about Transgender Rights, 2016 (Video 8:30 mins)

Video example of deep canvassing. In this conversation, recorded in March 2016, a Leadership LAB volunteer speaks with a voter in Los Angeles about including transgender people in non-discrimination laws using the same approach that was studied by Broockman and Kalla in Miami in 2015. This is an edited version of a longer conversation.


Immigrants and Healthcare

People’s Action Institute Deep Canvass Script, 2020, People’s Action Institute (Report – see pgs 8-9)

Jail / Prisons

Insights from Deep Canvassing: Proven Scripts for Transformational Outreach, The New Conversation Initiative, Netroots Nation, 2022 (Video)

Marriage Equality

How We Can Reduce Prejudice with a Conversation, David Fleischer , TEDxMidAtlantic, 2017 (Video 16:51 mins)

Unpacking Deep Canvassing, Indivisible, 2022 (Video – See marriage equality example at 5:42 mins)

Deep Canvassing: Changing Voters’ Minds Through Conversation, Leading Change Network, 2018 (Video 1:32:42 mins)

Online training about deep canvassing 100,000 people door-to-door seeking to speak with marriage equality opponents.


Script structure used to guide SURJ-NYC deep canvassing conversations on reparations, A Qualitative Examination of Dialogical Elements in Anti-Racist Deep Canvassing Conversations, 2021 (Journal article – see fig. 1)


Unpacking Deep Canvassing, Indivisible, 2021 (see right to vote video example at 19:49 mins)

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