


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

an illustration of an astronaut holding a flag

Campaign Communications Course

A course for grassroot groups to understand the basics of public communications for building a convincing, winning campaign.

Yellow triangle with words that read - vote for the franklin. The triangle is on top of an image of Rock Island Bend, a rock formation in the Franklin River. Steep rock cliffs with forest frame the river flowing towards a large rock outcrop that the river flows around.

Franklin River Campaign

Learn all about the successful Franklin River Campaign that took place in Tasmania in the 1980s. Includes videos & school resources.

The Power Matrix

This matrix presents how different dimensions of power interact to shape the problem and the possibility of citizen participation and action.

The Power Cube

The Power Cube is a tool to analyse the power your targets hold so you can create a more effective campaign strategy and bring about change.

a large mass of people walking down the street protesting and holding signs. One sign reads Thou shall not mess with women's reproductive rights.

Campaign Starter Pack

This Campaign Starter Pack from Campaign Bootcamp UK contains information, inspiration and activity sheets, based on the experience and knowledge of people who have fought for change.

4 handouts by Campaign Bootcamp

Campaign Planning: How to Get Started

What is a campaign? and how do you start one? Here are ideas, steps and handouts from Campaign Bootcamp to help you get started with your campaign planning.

Title reads The Noble Art of Book Reviewing. Commons Library Skills Sessions. A computer screen with a potted fern next to it

The Noble Art of Book Reviewing

Video on the Noble Art of Book Reviewing with insights and tips for writing effective and engaging book reviews. This was part of a Commons Library Skills Session.

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