


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

hand pointing with arrows heading off in different directions (symbolic of distribution)

Distributed Organizing Guide

This How to guide on Distributed Organizing shows you how to unlock significant amounts of power among a group or campaign’s supporter base.

Close up photograph of four people gripping hands to wrists forming a solid square.

How to Build Networked Coalitions

How-to guide on networked coalitions/campaigns. Harness the power of networks to develop more agile, dynamic and distributed campaigning coalitions.

mobile phone with whatsapp icon

How to use WhatsApp for campaigning

WhatsApp How to Guide from Blueprints for Change. Use WhatsApp for campaigning, community building, activating networks and crowdsourcing knowledge.

3 people in office on computers

Volunteer-led Phone Banking Guide

Volunteer-led phone banking How to Guide from Blueprints for Change. Learn all the ins and outs of phone banking – theoretical and practical.

close up of hand and mobile phone

Texting campaigns guide

How to guide from Blueprints for Change about how use peer to peer texting (P2P) to deliver calls of action – includes best practice and case studies.

Photograph of hand drawn letters in blue and black on a white background. The word is 'Change'.

Exploring Roles in Social Change Movements

Holly Hammond’s presentation to Progress 2019 on ‘Rebels and Reformers Unite! Exploring roles in social change movements’. Social movements are made up of many individuals and organisations with varied strengths, perspectives and theories of change.

A group of friends stand with arms around each other looking out across a valley.

Holding our groups together in hard times

When social change campaigns experience setbacks it’s understandable this can lead to difficulties in activist groups. Here are some tips and further resources for holding groups together in hard times.

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