A group of young people sitting on the lawn talking.
Paige Burton meets with a group of young people as part of the 2017 Youth Consultation process.

What young people want from Australian democracy

What would society look like if we saw young people’s opinions as a product of their values and experiences and not just of their age?


Australian Youth Representative to the UN, Paige Burton, reported back at #Progress2017 on her ongoing consultations with tens of thousands of young people across Australia. The top issues identified were:

  1. Housing Affordability
  2. Climate change
  3. LGBT rights
  4. People seeking asylum
  5. Gender equality

Paige finishes her speech with a call to action:

Progress isn’t a convenient side effect of time. It’s a direct result of communities working together to the values we share. It’s your job to build that community – one where young people feel celebrated, supported and powerful.