The Global Nonviolent Action Database details some 40 cases of mass movements overcoming tyrants through strategic nonviolent campaigns.

The Global Nonviolent Action Database details some 40 cases of mass movements overcoming tyrants through strategic nonviolent campaigns.
Webinar by the Democracy Resource Hub on insights, strategies & lessons learned from managing movements during a post-election period.
A study and recommendations by Erica Chenoweth and Zoe Marks about Pro-Democracy Organizing against Autocracy in the United States.
Learn about the story and the tactics (protests, hunger strikes) that led to Mongolia’s change from authoritarianism to democracy.
Reaching across difference using authentic relational conversations and organising to build a pro-democracy movement in the United States.
A curated and comprehensive list of tools for democracies and their representatives to conduct an effective assistance program to nonviolent pro-democracy movements.
The main issue is that the US government’s “democracy promotion” agenda has provided repressive regimes with an excuse to label popular pro-democracy movements challenging them as foreign agents, even when led by independent grassroots nonviolent activists.
Reset Reading Group resources for the Revitalising Democracy theme introduced and curated by Tim Hollo. Includes Libertarian Municipalism and Murray Bookchin’s Legacy.
A powerful social movement has risen to oppose Trump and to build a better America. Now there is a guide to give you the essential tools and strategies to grow and maintain a resistance powerful enough to win.
Samuel Chu – founder of Hong Kong Democracy Council in the US – discusses the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement and international solidarity.
The Global Nonviolent Action Database details some 40 cases of mass movements overcoming tyrants through strategic nonviolent campaigns.
Webinar by the Democracy Resource Hub on insights, strategies & lessons learned from managing movements during a post-election period.
A study and recommendations by Erica Chenoweth and Zoe Marks about Pro-Democracy Organizing against Autocracy in the United States.
Learn about the story and the tactics (protests, hunger strikes) that led to Mongolia’s change from authoritarianism to democracy.
Reaching across difference using authentic relational conversations and organising to build a pro-democracy movement in the United States.
A curated and comprehensive list of tools for democracies and their representatives to conduct an effective assistance program to nonviolent pro-democracy movements.
The main issue is that the US government’s “democracy promotion” agenda has provided repressive regimes with an excuse to label popular pro-democracy movements challenging them as foreign agents, even when led by independent grassroots nonviolent activists.
Reset Reading Group resources for the Revitalising Democracy theme introduced and curated by Tim Hollo. Includes Libertarian Municipalism and Murray Bookchin’s Legacy.
A powerful social movement has risen to oppose Trump and to build a better America. Now there is a guide to give you the essential tools and strategies to grow and maintain a resistance powerful enough to win.
Samuel Chu – founder of Hong Kong Democracy Council in the US – discusses the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement and international solidarity.