Research Report findings about the right to protest in Australia by the Human Rights Law Centre including recommendations to government.

Research Report findings about the right to protest in Australia by the Human Rights Law Centre including recommendations to government.
This article provides a powerful way to use research to advance a range of economic, environmental, and social issues.
Watch 5 short documentaries about courageous leaders who are standing up for gender justice and writing new futures for themselves and their communities.
Archiving video is an essential but often overlooked component of video advocacy. Learn about best practices for organizing, storing, preserving, and sharing your footage.
The Intertwine Charter was codesigned to address intersectionality. It outlines 6 areas where organisations can improve and proactively welcome others.
Activist Peter Gabriel shares his motivation for standing up for human rights with the watchdog group WITNESS & tells stories of citizen journalists.
When you’re feeling burned out as an activist, what’s the best way to bounce back? TED talk about creative actions – “playtivism”.
Gillian Triggs, the now Former President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, launched the Defending Democracy report at Progress 2017. She argued that advocacy is fundamental to our society but under threat with it increasingly difficult for people to speak up when they disagree.
What would society look like if we saw young people’s opinions as a product of their values and experiences and not just of their age? Australian Youth Representative to the UN, Paige Burton, reported back at #Progress2017 on her ongoing consultations with tens of thousands of young people across Australia.
The purpose of this handbook is to help you understand your rights and what risks you might be taking, including when you could be arrested and what you could be charged with, if you choose to participate in protests and other actions.
Research Report findings about the right to protest in Australia by the Human Rights Law Centre including recommendations to government.
This article provides a powerful way to use research to advance a range of economic, environmental, and social issues.
Watch 5 short documentaries about courageous leaders who are standing up for gender justice and writing new futures for themselves and their communities.
Archiving video is an essential but often overlooked component of video advocacy. Learn about best practices for organizing, storing, preserving, and sharing your footage.
The Intertwine Charter was codesigned to address intersectionality. It outlines 6 areas where organisations can improve and proactively welcome others.
Activist Peter Gabriel shares his motivation for standing up for human rights with the watchdog group WITNESS & tells stories of citizen journalists.
When you’re feeling burned out as an activist, what’s the best way to bounce back? TED talk about creative actions – “playtivism”.
Gillian Triggs, the now Former President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, launched the Defending Democracy report at Progress 2017. She argued that advocacy is fundamental to our society but under threat with it increasingly difficult for people to speak up when they disagree.
What would society look like if we saw young people’s opinions as a product of their values and experiences and not just of their age? Australian Youth Representative to the UN, Paige Burton, reported back at #Progress2017 on her ongoing consultations with tens of thousands of young people across Australia.
The purpose of this handbook is to help you understand your rights and what risks you might be taking, including when you could be arrested and what you could be charged with, if you choose to participate in protests and other actions.