protestors on the street holding signs and banners. The big banner at the front reads Cosecha Igrito!par las licencias

Learn how Cosecha raised over $1 million for undocumented immigrants affected by the pandemic

Across the U.S., undocumented immigrants have been particularly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. As millions of immigrants face indefinite loss of income or unsafe “essential” working conditions, undocumented and mixed-status families in need have been excluded from all government aid, including federal stimulus checks.

In March, immigrant leaders from Movimiento Cosecha launched the national Undocumented Worker Fund to create a way for people everywhere to support families affected by COVID-19. In just a few months they raised and distributed over $1 million dollars directly to undocumented immigrants.

Watch this webinar recording to learn:

  • Why Cosecha decided to launch the Undocumented Worker Fund
  • Cosecha’s principles for rapid response fundraising
  • How Cosecha raised $11.90 for every dollar spent on Facebook ads
  • What makes the Undocumented Worker Fund unique — and how this helped them reach new donors and new people to organize

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Christine Miranda is an organizer and digital strategist with Movimiento Cosecha, a national movement fighting for permanent protection for all undocumented immigrants. She supports immigrant leaders across the country to use digital tools to power and grow their grassroots campaigns.