
Mobilisation Lab

Mobilisation Lab

Mobilisation Lab was born inside Greenpeace International to enable faster and better development of global best practice in digital campaigning. Now the MobLab is an independent global organisation transforming social change for the networked age.

The MobLab enables global campaigners to build a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world by equipping them with strategies, tools, tactics, and partners, using a systems-based, people-powered approach.

The Commons MobLab collection brings together many of the reports, training materials, toolkits and other materials they share with campaigners, strategists and advocacy leaders.

mob lab logo

Key Resources from Mobilisation Lab

Reports, toolkits, templates and guides from Mobilisation Lab including campaign strategy, storytelling, digital campaigning, security and more.

diagram with circles

Problem Diagram

Use this diagram from Mobilisation Lab to chart the causes of the problem that your campaign aims to address and how that problem affects people differently. This tool helps identify the “root cause” to tackle in a campaign or even in a set of campaigns.

Toolkit cover - Title reads 'Campaign Accelerator Toolkit'. Logo for MobLab in bottom left hand corner.

Campaign Accelerator Toolkit

Accelerate the campaign planning process with this toolkit to get campaigns out the door faster to create more effective campaigns.

Campaign Accelerator Toolkit

3 tools to test your campaign

3 tools to test early versions of campaign ideas with target audiences starting with deciding on what to prototype. These tools are by Mobilisation Lab.

Protestors, some wearing yellow Greenpeace shirts, some in prison orange, pose for a photo holding signs in Spanish, and photographs of the activists detained by Russia known as the Arctic 30.

The 21st-Century Advocacy Playbook

Build strong advocacy teams using this checklist to assess your team’s readiness to campaign for—and win—change in the modern landscape.

illustrations of arrows and houses clouds surround icons of peolple and

Context Map Template

This Context Map template allows a team to foster a collective understanding of the overall context in which a campaign is happening.

System Map Template

Use this worksheet template to determine how you will talk about your campaign to inspire and motivate people to take action.


Call to Action Worksheet

Use this worksheet template to determine how you will talk about your campaign to inspire and motivate people to take action.

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