12 people standing in front of Australia's parliament. A speaker is stepped forward from the group, wearing a pastor's collar.
A multi-faith delegation demanding action on climate change, Parliament House, 2018.

Eleven Websites about the Australian Federal Government and MPs


A list of handy websites to help you find out more about Australian Members of Parliament, including how to contact them, details about their electorates and what they say and stand for. This is a live list. If you know of a great website to add please let us know via our Contact form.

How to contact MPs

Photograph of Australian House of Representatives showing green seats in a U shape.

Australian Members of Parliament

Website: How to Contact Members of Parliament
About:  A list of the current members and senators of parliament by the Australian Parliament website.
Please note contact details for Senators have now been updated to reflect the May 2022 federal election. However, final counting for the House of Representatives is still being finalised and details will be updated as soon as possible.
Tips: The website has provided mailing labels for senators and members.

Parliamentary sitting dates

Website: Australian Parliament – Sitting Calendar
About:  A calendar of parliamentary sitting dates by the Parliament of Australia website.
Tips: You can download the calendar in pdf and/or import into your Outlook calendar.

Understanding parliamentary procedure

Photograph of the senate chamber showing maroon seats set up in a U shape.

Photo by Jason Tong.

A Stakeholder’s Guide to the Australian Senate

Website: A Stakeholder’s Guide to the Australian Senate
About: This guide provides an introduction to the Senate and its procedures. It is designed to give NGO staff an understanding of the basics of the Senate and how to best achieve policy and campaigning goals.

How Parliament Works

Website: How Parliament Works
About: The Parliamentary Education Office has a very clear and simple website explaining bills and legislation, types of laws, committees, etc.

Parliament at Work

Website: Work of the Parliament
About: This Parliament of Australia website’s page provides more in depth information on parliamentary processes.

What representatives say and support

Open Australia

Website: Open Australia
About: OpenAustralia.org is a non-partisan website run by a charity, the OpenAustralia Foundation and volunteers. It aims to make it easy for people to keep tabs on their representatives in Parliament.
Tips: Great for setting up email alerts about certain keywords and/or people and organisations.

website screenshot of question "how does your mp vote on the issues that matter to you?"

They Vote For You

Website: They Vote for You
About: Easily find out what members of parliament have voted for and against. The website was built by the OpenAustralia Foundation, an independent, non-partisan not-for-profit. It is based on the ground-breaking UK Public Whip site.

How to present a petition

Website: Petitions
About: The Parliament of Australia website explains what is a petition is, how to present and lodge one to the Senate and the House of Representatives and the guides and rules.

Electoral insights

Federal Election Divisions

Website: Current Federal Election Divisions
About: On the Australian Electoral Commission website learn about the profile’s of different electorates around Australia.

Postal Area to Commonwealth Electoral Divisions: A quick guide

Website: Postal Area to Commonwealth Electoral Divisions: a quick guide
About: This Quick Guide explains how data available at postcode level can be converted to Commonwealth Electoral Divisions.

Political donations

Australian Electoral Commission – Political Donations

Website: Annual Donors
About: The Australian Electoral Commission’s website makes it easy to see which groups, companies and individuals are donating to whom for the last financial year.
Tips: See more information on the Transparency Register page of the Australian Electoral Commission.

  • Author:
  • Organisation: Commons Library
  • Location: Australia
  • Release Date: 2022

image Public Domain - No rights reserved

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