10 Guidelines you need to know to prepare and stop a coup while keeping people focused on a strong, robust election process.
Navigating AI’s Role in Politics, Campaigns, and Advocacy: The TON Reading List
Tectonica has compiled a comprehensive reading list on AI’s impact on politics, campaigning, and advocacy.
Set Up Letter Campaigns for Contacting Australian MPs on Action Network
Step by step instructions and files for setting up letter campaigns for contacting Australian Members of Parliament MPs using Action Network.
Digital Campaigning in Europe: A Series of Articles
This series of articles from the European Center for Digital Action explores the evolving use of digital tools and strategies in political and social campaigns across Europe, covering case studies, technological impacts, democratic implications, and ethical considerations.
Mobilizing for Change: An Election Campaign Guide for Single-issue Organizations
This election campaign guide by the European Center for Digital Actions explores strategic avenues for progressive organizations to amplify their issues.
Fixing our Democracies and Winning Elections in the Age of Junk Politics: A Guide to Transformational Campaigning
Strategic models and practical advice on how we can return to and innovate towards transformational campaigning in the ‘age of junk politics’
Conversation Guide: Trust in Elections (Local)
Conversation Guide about democracy from Living Room Conversations who use guided conversations to build understanding & transform communities.
Reporting In Contentious Times: Insights for Journalists to Avoid Fanning the Flames
This memo provides a brief overview of key considerations and pointers for responsible and conflict-sensitive election-related reporting.
Building a Resiliency Network: A Toolkit for Building Community Resilience during a Contentious Election Cycle
This toolkit offers simple, step-by-step guidance and worksheets for leaders seeking to take decisive steps to create resilience to violence in their communities.
How to Win Well: Civil Resistance Breakthroughs and the Path to Democracy
Civil resistance-Moving from dictatorship to democracy. Negotiations & elections are the breakthroughs that lead to more democratic outcomes.
10 Things You Need to Know to Stop a Coup
10 Guidelines you need to know to prepare and stop a coup while keeping people focused on a strong, robust election process.
Navigating AI’s Role in Politics, Campaigns, and Advocacy: The TON Reading List
Tectonica has compiled a comprehensive reading list on AI’s impact on politics, campaigning, and advocacy.
Set Up Letter Campaigns for Contacting Australian MPs on Action Network
Step by step instructions and files for setting up letter campaigns for contacting Australian Members of Parliament MPs using Action Network.
Digital Campaigning in Europe: A Series of Articles
This series of articles from the European Center for Digital Action explores the evolving use of digital tools and strategies in political and social campaigns across Europe, covering case studies, technological impacts, democratic implications, and ethical considerations.
Mobilizing for Change: An Election Campaign Guide for Single-issue Organizations
This election campaign guide by the European Center for Digital Actions explores strategic avenues for progressive organizations to amplify their issues.
Fixing our Democracies and Winning Elections in the Age of Junk Politics: A Guide to Transformational Campaigning
Strategic models and practical advice on how we can return to and innovate towards transformational campaigning in the ‘age of junk politics’
Conversation Guide: Trust in Elections (Local)
Conversation Guide about democracy from Living Room Conversations who use guided conversations to build understanding & transform communities.
Reporting In Contentious Times: Insights for Journalists to Avoid Fanning the Flames
This memo provides a brief overview of key considerations and pointers for responsible and conflict-sensitive election-related reporting.
Building a Resiliency Network: A Toolkit for Building Community Resilience during a Contentious Election Cycle
This toolkit offers simple, step-by-step guidance and worksheets for leaders seeking to take decisive steps to create resilience to violence in their communities.
How to Win Well: Civil Resistance Breakthroughs and the Path to Democracy
Civil resistance-Moving from dictatorship to democracy. Negotiations & elections are the breakthroughs that lead to more democratic outcomes.