Photograph of the front of Australian Parliament House. The front paving shows a pattern that echoes Aboriginal artwork. The building is white with a flag spier and visible Australian flag blowing in the wind.
"Australian Parliament House" by Long Zheng is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Understanding Parliamentary Committees

An introduction to Australian Parliamentary Committees and ways advocates can navigate and utilse them.

About Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary committees investigate specific matters of policy or government administration. Committees research issues gather evidence from experts and individuals, and make recommendations.

A list of all Committees can be found on the Australian Parliament House website here.

Organisations often engage in Parliamentary Committee processes through providing submissions to Inquiries. It is important that involvement in Committee processes is strategic and that we make the most of the Inquiry processes.

Inside Parliamentary Committees Seminar

The For Purpose Policy and Advocacy Seminar, Inside Parliamentary Committees explores the ins and outs of Parliamentary Committees including how Committees are formed, their powers and limitations, getting your voice heard in submissions and during the inquiry process, the development of final report recommendations, and what happens next.

The Seminar is presented by Lynley Ducker, Committee Secretary, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade.

Ms Lynley Ducker has been a Committee Secretary in the House of Representatives since August 2015. Her previous career in the public service has focussed on oversight and accountability roles; including the Australian National Audit Office and Ombudsman offices in both Australia and Papua New Guinea. Ms Ducker has also managed anti-corruption and complaint-handling aid programs throughout the Pacific and Indonesia, and has worked as a lawyer for government departments and in the private sector.

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