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TED talk: Community organizing, say whaattt??


Ray Friedlander is an activist and community organizer for the Sitka Conservation Society. She has spent the last six years working with people for positive change within their communities, on campuses and in our country’s capital. Her background in organizing originated at Santa Fe College in Florida and has evolved over the years through events like Powershift 2007 and 2009, the student protests during the University of California budget cuts and tuition hikes, as well as training programs with the Midwest Academy, Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC) and New Organizing Institute (NOI).


When you have people together who believe in something very strongly – whether it’s religion or politics or unions – things happen.   Cesar Chavez

  • Author:
  • Source: TED
  • Organisation: TED
  • Location: US
  • Release Date: 2013
  • Content length: 18.19 mins

image Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC

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