
Speeches, Presentations and Webinars

icon of laptop with 6 people on screen

ChangeMakers Organising School – Season Two

Notes from training sessions hosted by ChangeMakers and Tipping Point April to July 2020. The training aims to equip organisers and campaigners to respond to challenges and continue their work during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Photograph of the front of Australian Parliament House. The front paving shows a pattern that echoes Aboriginal artwork. The building is white with a flag spier and visible Australian flag blowing in the wind.

Understanding Parliamentary Committees

An introduction to Australian Parliamentary Committees and ways advocates can navigate and utilise them. Includes a recording of a seminar presented by a Parliamentary Committee secretary.

screenshot of online conference presenters

First Nations Justice

Hear from 3 First Nations leaders about the health and justice systems crisis, overpolicing and incarceration of First Nations people.

screenshot of online conference presenters

The Future of Workers’ Rights

Behind-the-scenes lessons from the campaign to secure JobKeeper in response to widespread job losses from the COVID-19 pandemic.

screenshot of speakers at online conference

Climate and Disaster Capitalism

Video about the risks of climate and disaster capitalism and how to work together to undermine attempts at cashing in on the Covid-19 crisis.

screenshot of online conference presenter,Noelene Nabulivou, presenting next to Auslan interpreter

All in For A Feminist Recovery

Hear from these powerhouse women on their vision for a feminist response to the crises the world faces. Video from Virtual Progress 2020.

Marshall Ganz delivering a lecture at a podium. He is wearing a yellow shirt, has glasses and has a mic attached to his shirt. Behind him is a poster taped to the wall that features a bicycle.

Learn About Organising from Marshall Ganz

Marshall Ganz is a key thinker and educator in the field of community organising. This article gathers two informative videos and details of other ways to learn from Marshall Ganz.

Framing the Role of Government and the Economy

Want to know how to frame communication about the government and the economy in a way that will be of benefit? Here is useful research that was presented at the conference Virtual Progress 2020 by Australian ReMADE. 

Digital Campaigning Webinars

Digital campaigning free webinars for Not for Profit & grassroots campaigners by Glenn Todd. Learn the tech fundamentals & tools to grow a grassroots campaign. 

Mug sitting on laptop that says 'Not all super heroes wear capes'

Activist Inspiration and Learning in Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping many of us at home. Without the usual forums, film nights, and other campaign activities how can we connect to inspiration and continue learning? Here are films, podcasts, webinars and online courses.

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