Free webinars on digital campaigning for not-for-profit and grassroots campaigners by Glenn Todd. Learn the tech fundamentals and tools to grow a successful grassroots campaign.
In these webinars Glenn Todd teaches you how to use the internet as a marketing platform that will produce results. He explains how to make beautiful websites and systems that actually work, resonate with your audience and generate results.
Digital is both the most under-resourced as well as the most effective tool of contemporary campaigning. Until recently only the mega organisations could afford the tech. Now the game is changing fast and quality tech is getting much easier. It is now in the reach of small independent grassroots groups. Now is the time to step up. – Glenn Todd
Webinar recordings are on the ActionSkills YouTube channel.
NFP Digital Strategy – Why, Who and Creating the Journey
NFP User pathways and planning our tech stack
NFP Strategic Communications
NFP Digital Marketing
NFP Google and search marketing
Kings and Queens of NFP Content Strategy
Visual content – An image tells a 1000 words
Domains, Hosting, email and setting up websites
WordPress Fundamentals
WordPress Plugins and Themes
Next level WordPress
Using Divi with WordPress – drag and drop page builder
Faster, accessible and secure WordPress
Organising people with databases
ActionNetwork vs NationBuilder vs Raisely
Introduction to digital privacy and security
About the Trainer
Glenn Todd has been refining his training to make it accessible to non-technical people. He has run many training events, skillshares and lectured at RMIT. During this time he has developed and refined a commercial course covering many aspects of building websites and digital campaigning. Glenn has 20 years commercial website development experience and extensive not-for-profit, campaigning and NVDA experience. He has 6 years teaching experience including at RMIT University and is the 2019 Winner of Connectingup NFP Technology Lifetime Service Award. Glenn helped launch ICANW, the campaign that won a Nobel Peace Prize. For more details see and