
Speeches, Presentations and Webinars

cartoon of two dogs - one says to the other "I had my own blog for a while, but I decided to go back to blatant, incessant barking."

How to Write a Great Blog Post

Do you need some tips on how to write a blog post? Duncan Green from Oxfam GB shares ten ways to write a blog post in under an hour.

Hands holding a mobile phone and filming

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The nature of video and digital campaigning changes so rapidly, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the latest strategies to cut through and move people. This article & presentation outlines 5 key trends plus a useful checklist for developing compelling videos.

close up of head phones

Solidarity in times of crisis: Listen to the Progress 2019 panel

Audio recording of the ‘Solidarity In Times Of Crisis’ panel from Progress 2019. Speakers considered the role of civil society in countering the conditions and beliefs that give rise to daily discrimination as well as events such as the Christchurch terror attacks.  

Computer screen on laptop showing Facebook Ads page

Guide to Facebook Advertising

This guide covers the fundamental principles in planning, creating, testing and evaluating a paid Facebook advertising campaign.

Screenshot of Presentation title slide. Title reads, Hospo's voice custom built venue rating tool'. Illustration of a hand holding a mobile phone. On the screen is the fairplate app.

How Hospo Voice Leveraged Digital Tools to Win

Australia’s first digital union, Hospo Voice, set up Fair Plate so you can see what’s really happening under the table. Hospitality staff have left thousands of reviews to show you which places are stealing wages and treating people like crap.

Photograph of hand drawn letters in blue and black on a white background. The word is 'Change'.

Exploring Roles in Social Change Movements

Holly Hammond’s presentation to Progress 2019 on ‘Rebels and Reformers Unite! Exploring roles in social change movements’. Social movements are made up of many individuals and organisations with varied strengths, perspectives and theories of change.

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