9 Videos from Key Thinkers on How to Change the World

Do you want to change the world? Learn from activists, philosophers, academics and entrepreneurs in nine videos about social change and creating a better future collated by The RSA.

Duncan Green on How Change Happens

The world is full of wannabe ‘change agents’; a mix of campaigners, lobbyists, organisations and officials – all determined to transform the world. But how can we effect REAL change in the world? Watch Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Adviser at Oxfam GB, on How Change Happens in our latest RSA Spotlight – the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event! Check out Duncan Green’s most recent book, ‘How Change Happens‘.


Roman Krznaric on How to Seize the Political Moment

Leading social philosopher Roman Krznaric argues that we need new politics of mass action focused on seizing opportunities, spontaneous mobilisation and hedonistic revelry. He calls it ‘Carpe Diem Politics’, an innovative and powerful approach to political change based on the seize-the-day ideal dating back to the Ancient Romans!

Alberto Alemanno on How to Make Social Change Happen

We are spectators of life, not actors. We are consumers, not citizens. But how can we change? Leading public interest lawyer Alberto Alemanno argues that we need to utilise our expertise and talents for the benefit of society. We all have the power – we just have to learn how to unleash it. Watch Alberto Alemanno, leading academic, civic entrepreneur and public interest lawyer, in our latest RSA Spotlight.

Jody Williams on How Anyone Can Change the World

Nobel Laureate Jody Williams shares her insights into building action from the grass-roots, showing how people can come together to make change happen and contribute to a better world.

Justin Forsyth on Changemakers

Former Save the Children CEO Justin Foryth took to the RSA stage to discuss how charities need to change in order to have even more impact in a time of complexity, change and cynicism.

Jeremy Heimans on How to Build a Mass Movement

Jeremy Heimans visits the RSA to share his innovative model of “movement entrepreneurship”, and to show how individuals can work more effectively with organisations and progressive companies to help mobilise large-scale, purposeful action.

Catherine MacKinnon on The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect with Catharine MacKinnon. Under the right conditions, small simple actions can produce large complex effects. Pioneering lawyer and activist for women’s rights Catharine A. MacKinnon argues that seemingly minor interventions in the legal realm can have a butterfly effect that generates major social and cultural transformations.

George Monbiot on The Age of Crisis

A toxic ideology rules the world – of extreme competition and individualism. It misrepresents human nature, destroying hope and common purpose. Only a positive vision can replace it, a new story that re-engages people in politics and lights a path to a better world. George Monbiot joins us at the RSA to explain how new findings in psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology cast human nature in a radically different light: as the supreme altruists and co-operators. He shows how we can build on these findings to create a new politics: a ‘politics of belonging’. Both democracy and economic life can be radically reorganized from the bottom up, enabling us to take back control and overthrow the forces that have thwarted our ambitions for a better society. His thrilling new vision provides the hope and clarity required to change the world.

Cass Sunstein on Bringing About Social Change

One of the world’s most influential scholars, Cass Sunstein, explores the factors that cause an individual to declare their true views and allow social movements to snowball, and ultimately bring about change.

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The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) believes in a world where everyone is able to participate in creating a better future.

Through our ideas, research and a 30,000 strong Fellowship we are a global community of proactive problem solvers, sharing powerful ideas, carrying out cutting-edge research and building networks and opportunities for people to collaborate, influence and demonstrate practical solutions to realise change.

The RSA has been at the forefront of social change for over 260 years. Today our work focusses on supporting innovation in three major areas: creative learning and development, public services and communities, and economy, enterprise and manufacturing. Find out more.

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