


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

Reset 3: Revitalising Democracy

Reset Reading Group resources for the Revitalising Democracy theme introduced and curated by Tim Hollo. Includes Libertarian Municipalism and Murray Bookchin’s Legacy.

Disaster Capitalism & How To Build A People's Response

Reset 2: Disaster Capitalism & A People’s Response

Reset Reading Group resources for discussion curated and introduced by Alex Kelly. Includes Coronavirus Capitalism and the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein as well as manifestos for climate justice and disaster recovery.

a collection of arrow icons

Theories of Change

A theory of change can help guide campaigners, their teams and communities. James Whelan from the Change Agency addresses four common pitfalls and some remedies so your theory of change works for you and your team.

illustration of women from around the world holding sunflowers

Climate Justice and Feminism Resource Collection

A comprehensive list of resources about climate justice (including First Nations, gender, disability and other resources) collated by the Womens Climate Justice Collective (WCJC) and CounterAct.

Reset 1: First Nations Resistance & Climate Justice

Reset Reading Group resources for discussion curated and introduced by Karrina Nolan from Original Power. Includes Indigenous Principles for Just Transition, interviews, videos, podcasts, campaign links and prompts for discussions.

sign with arrows says strike

Strikes Resource Guide

Five books, five articles and five videos on strikes by Bright Green Independent Media for Radical, Democratic and Green Movements. 

Mug sitting on laptop that says 'Not all super heroes wear capes'

Activist Inspiration and Learning in Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping many of us at home. Without the usual forums, film nights, and other campaign activities how can we connect to inspiration and continue learning? Here are films, podcasts, webinars and online courses.

A woman sits at a laptop, wearing headphones. She sits in front of a window showing a city skyline.

Are your Zoom meetings on Middle Class Standard Time?

Andrew Willis-Garces shares tips on how not to get caught out by the influence of professional middle class meeting culture in your online meetings. Consider the wellbeing of the group over trying to crunch in every single agenda item.

Reset logo - 'Reset Reading Group: Ideas for a Just Future' with a circular arrow.

Welcome to the Reset Reading Group

The Commons is hosting a fortnightly program of readings and discussion, April – July 2020. Everything is being Reset… be part of the conversation about how to build a just future.

Photo of participants in an outdoor activity. They hold a web of string bove their heads. The scene is a grassy backyard with blue sky behind.

Permanently Organized Communities

Movement Generation share key principles for building resilient organised communities during and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. Includes emphasis on local self-governance and networks of mutual care.

Online Picket Line Guide

Do you want to know how to run an online picket line? Here is a guide from the Victorian Trades Hall Council who ran the world’s 1st online picket line in March 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic to launch digital actions for the campaign for #WageSubsidyForAll.

Front cover of the Press Officer Handbook (no images).

The NEON guide to progressive media work

NEON’s Press Officer Handbook, a comprehensive guide to effective media work in social movements. Includes writing press releases, using the phone, preparing spokespeople for broadcast and much more.

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