


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

Activists Guide to Archiving Video

Archiving video is an essential but often overlooked component of video advocacy. Learn about best practices for organizing, storing, preserving, and sharing your footage.

Title reads 'Checklist for Affinity Groups'. A clipboard with a checked list. A row of silhouetted protestors is at the bottom.

Checklist for Affinity Groups

Checklist for affinity groups – looking out for each other and yourself when participating in a blockade or protest.

Computer screen on laptop showing Facebook Ads page

Guide to Facebook Advertising

This guide covers the fundamental principles in planning, creating, testing and evaluating a paid Facebook advertising campaign.

Screenshot of Presentation title slide. Title reads, Hospo's voice custom built venue rating tool'. Illustration of a hand holding a mobile phone. On the screen is the fairplate app.

How Hospo Voice Leveraged Digital Tools to Win

Australia’s first digital union, Hospo Voice, set up Fair Plate so you can see what’s really happening under the table. Hospitality staff have left thousands of reviews to show you which places are stealing wages and treating people like crap.

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