
Communications & Media

Communications & Media

Creating change requires engaging audiences, communicating messages, and inviting people to join in action. The resources here will help you get clearer on what communication channels to use and how, how to develop compelling framing and messages, and the skills required to engage media (traditional and new forms) effectively.

Mobile phone featuring social media icons

How to use social media

Top tips from Friends of the Earth (England, Wales & Northern Ireland) on how to use Twitter and Facebook as a powerful tool for campaigning.

Framing Equality Toolkit

Framing Equality Toolkit

This toolkit is a short guide to strategic communications, based on extensive research and building on the experience of activists and communicators from around the globe. It aims to provide a framework rather than a blueprint; helping you to ask the right questions rather than giving you the right answers.

Change Makers (Text on orange background)

ChangeMakers Podcast Series 2

The ChangeMakers podcast is short series podcast that tells stories about people who are striving for social change across the world.

Diagram shows 5 arrows pointing to the target of Purpose: Symbols, Slogans, Stories, Specifics, Personalise.

Being Purpose Driven

Nothing precedes purpose. The starting point for every organisation or movement should be the question ‘Why do we exist’? A number of tips for focusing an organisation on vision and purpose. An excerpt from Purpose Driven Campaigning, based on Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Church.

Photograph of students holding a banner reading 'Our Future, Our Reef, Don't Risk It'.

Live tweeting at rallies and marches

Twitter is a very useful way to share your story outside traditional networks. Increasingly Twitter quotes and photos are used to embed in traditional media, and with a small amount of effort you can get your event trending. This will alert politicians and media to your issue.

Photo of the cast of Brooklyn 99.

What ChangeMakers can learn from Brooklyn Nine Nine

Who knew that TV could teach you how to change the world! Embedded in Brooklyn Nine Nine’s approach to sitcom writing are a few lessons about how we can successfully communicate important, difficult issues to a wider audience.

A group of people gather under a tree with clipboards.

Is personalised political communication manipulative?

“Personalized political communication” refers to when the medium for a message is a person, not media such as television, pamphlets, or billboards. The electoral arms race is seeing a renaissance of PPC and greater engagement of voters in campaigns and the political process.

Protestors, some wearing yellow Greenpeace shirts, some in prison orange, pose for a photo holding signs in Spanish, and photographs of the activists detained by Russia known as the Arctic 30.

The 21st-Century Advocacy Playbook

Build strong advocacy teams using this checklist to assess your team’s readiness to campaign for—and win—change in the modern landscape.


Call to Action Worksheet

Use this worksheet template to determine how you will talk about your campaign to inspire and motivate people to take action.

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