
Theory of change

Photograph of a window with curtains opening.

Workshop Guide: Assessing and Opening Policy Windows

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions. The workshop introduces the idea of ‘policy windows’ and ‘political opportunity structure’ and enables participants to critically evaluate the political opportunity structure apparent in current campaigns.

Photograph of hand drawn letters in blue and black on a white background. The word is 'Change'.

Elements of a Theory of Change

Getting clear on our theory of change can be personally empowering as well as important for alignment within organisations and campaigns. These notes are from a workshop by Naomi Blackburn, drawing on the Resource Manual for a Living Revolution and Australian Student Environment Network curriculum.

Photograph of posters reading 'Building Alternative Institutions', 'Care taking & service delivery', 'Social change through personal change'.

Mechanisms of change: A guide by The Change Agency

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions about theories of change. This session facilitates political analysis, reflection and dialogue. Why start with a theory of change? This isn’t asking people to be academics, it’s just about being clear about our own and each other’s assumptions.

Cards read: 'The social movement that has had the biggest impact on me...', 'I became an activist because...', 'When it comes to politics Iam a...', 'One ingredient in my vision of utopia is...'

Naming Political Assumptions: A Guide

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions to identify the political assumptions that shape our opinions and analysis. Analysis and planning is improved by being aware of the lens through which we see the world. Our lens is influenced by our assumptions and values.

Cover of Original Power's Building Power Guide - features a drawing of a turtle in red.

Cyclone Warning A training guide for solving problems

This is a training process guide to explore different approaches to solving community problems, investigate how different problems require different approaches to change to solve them, clarify the differences between community organising, community development, advocacy and service delivery.

Smiling archers carry cut out letters spelling peace.

3 Strategies For Peace

Learn about the three major approaches to peace identified by Johan Gultung: peacekeeping, peacemaking, peacebuilding.

Aerial photograph of huge crowd filling Federation Square and surrounding streets.

The Power of Unions to Make Change

Nadine Flood from the CPSU presents at Progress 2015 on the dynamic tension at the heart of the union movement’s theory of change – as both grassroots movement and the large representative and regulated institutions.

A diagram of the eight stages of social movements

Surviving the ups and downs of social movements

We tend to talk about activist burnout as an individualised experience – but the Movement Action Plan, a framework for understanding social movements, factors in perception of failure, providing insights and hope for navigating the downs in movement life.

A diagram of the eight stages of social movements

Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan

A summary of Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan. He describes eight stages through which social movements normally progress over a period of years and decades. It provides organizers with a map of the long road of successful movements.

Diagram showing three arrows in a circle: Cruelty investigations > Public awareness initiatives > Political lobbying for animals

Winning Social Media with Animals Australia

Jesse Marks, former Community Engagement Manager at Animals Australia, at Progress 2015 sharing their theory of change and how they leverage their engaged social media audience to win campaigns.

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