
Campaigning – Distributed network

school students striking on Melbourne street in 2019

Mass Organising Calls and Webinars

Need to make the most of a hot campaign moment, mobilise people and create local actions? Tips and advice from 3 experts on how to organise mass calls and webinars.

mobile phone with whatsapp icon

How to use WhatsApp for campaigning

WhatsApp How to Guide from Blueprints for Change. Use WhatsApp for campaigning, community building, activating networks and crowdsourcing knowledge.

Two women stand together talking.

Listen to Becky Bond on Big Organising

The big organising approach utilised in the Bernie Sanders campaign offers several valuable rules to scale up your efforts, empower members and supporters, and catch the fire of momentum. Hear from Becky Bond, co-author of Rules for Revolutionaries.

Change Makers (Text on orange background)

ChangeMakers Podcast Series 2

The ChangeMakers podcast is short series podcast that tells stories about people who are striving for social change across the world.

People stand in a line in front of a crowd. Their tshirts each have a letter spelling out INDIVISIBLE.

How Indivisible Helped Paint America Blue

The midterm elections in the US have delivered the House of Representatives to the Democrats. Why did this happen? The nation got organised into opposing Trump. And one of the major forces behind that organisation is Indivisible.

a worksheet template

Networked Change Campaign Grid: Worksheets

The Networked Change Campaign Grid provides a clear path for integrating top-performing approaches into your strategic planning and design process. This worksheet helps you apply the principles of the directed-network campaigning.

Protestors walk across the street with Stop Adani banners and placards.

Six building blocks of distributed organizing campaigns

To support organizations rolling out distributed organizing efforts, NetChange have put together a new campaign design framework drawn from best practices of the dozens of successful networks they have advised or studied closely.

Cover of the book 'The Starfish and the Spider. Features a drawing of a starfish.

Decentralisation: The Starfish and the Spider

Joel Dignam reviews Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom’s ‘The Starfish and the Spider’. The book delves into ideas and language around decentralisation with useful examples from history, social movements and commerce. It also includes practical tips for putting decentralisation into practice.

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