


Looking for inspiring videos, films and documentaries about social change and activism? The Commons Library has collated them for you.

Reset Reading Group No. 4: A New Economy

Reset Reading Group resources for A New Economy theme introduced and curated by Godfrey Moase. Includes The Take, a documentary about worker controlled workplaces in Argentina.

Reset 3: Revitalising Democracy

Reset Reading Group resources for the Revitalising Democracy theme introduced and curated by Tim Hollo. Includes Libertarian Municipalism and Murray Bookchin’s Legacy.

Disaster Capitalism & How To Build A People's Response

Reset 2: Disaster Capitalism & A People’s Response

Reset Reading Group resources for discussion curated and introduced by Alex Kelly. Includes Coronavirus Capitalism and the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein as well as manifestos for climate justice and disaster recovery.

Digital Campaigning Webinars

Digital campaigning free webinars for Not for Profit & grassroots campaigners by Glenn Todd. Learn the tech fundamentals & tools to grow a grassroots campaign. 

Reset 1: First Nations Resistance & Climate Justice

Reset Reading Group resources for discussion curated and introduced by Karrina Nolan from Original Power. Includes Indigenous Principles for Just Transition, interviews, videos, podcasts, campaign links and prompts for discussions.

sign with arrows says strike

Strikes Resource Guide

Five books, five articles and five videos on strikes by Bright Green Independent Media for Radical, Democratic and Green Movements. 

Mug sitting on laptop that says 'Not all super heroes wear capes'

Activist Inspiration and Learning in Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping many of us at home. Without the usual forums, film nights, and other campaign activities how can we connect to inspiration and continue learning? Here are films, podcasts, webinars and online courses.

woman in protest carrying a sign saying #enough

Digital Campaigning: Start Here

Digital campaigning leverages technology to create change through emails, petitions, and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and more. Here is a list of resources to get you started.

an outdoor post plastered with stickers with the writing organize and money is nothing art is real

Organising: Start Here

Organising builds people power for change. Here is a list of resources to get you started including introductions, different approaches, manuals, tactics, videos and more.

Stop Jabiluka Mine banner hanging on cliff rock face

The Jabiluka Blockade – 22 years on

Do you know about one of Australia’s most effective anti-nuclear blockades? The Jabiluka blockade in 1998 stopped the Ranger Uranium Mine in Australia. This article includes the campaign timeline and many further resources.

A black and white photograph of a rally with people holding their fists in the air. The text 'Momentum Webinars' in written above it.

Movements, Organising and Mobilisation Webinars

The Momentum Community has shared webinars on movements, mass decentralised organising, mobilisation, non-violent movements and case studies including the Sunrise movement and Hong Kong democracy movement.

A group of community members and politicians hold placards including '10,725 demand specific policies to address homelessness'.

How to Present a Petition to Parliament

A guide developed by ActionStation to support community members with petitions. Some information is specific to the New Zealand parliamentary system and OurActionStation petition platform but many of the steps are relevant for other circumstances.

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