


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

protest signs at climate march

Handbook of Climate Psychology

A comprehensive guide from the Climate Psychology Alliance (UK). Includes sections on grief, loss, coping strategies and radical hope.

cartoon of two dogs - one says to the other "I had my own blog for a while, but I decided to go back to blatant, incessant barking."

How to Write a Great Blog Post

Do you need some tips on how to write a blog post? Duncan Green from Oxfam GB shares ten ways to write a blog post in under an hour.

Three women stand at the front of a group with microphones: a young woman of colour, an older white woman, and a woman photographed from behind.

Healing Our Climate Grief

This article shares perspectives on healing climate grief, including the importance of feeling and releasing feelings and accessing peer support.

Four people stand outside the Melbourne Magistrates Court. They are smiling and holding photos of forests.

Your Activist Speech in Court

A guide to insisting on a lower sentence from an experienced nonviolent activist. Includes tips about the different aspects to cover in court speeches.

a big red barn

Guide to Barnstorming: Step Up Volunteers Fast!

Barnstorms are large campaign events which activate volunteers and supporters to step up and convene actions. Anita Tang shares the model developed by the Bernie Sanders campaign with suggestions for the Australian context.

11 volunteers standing in rows posing for a photo

Fighting online racist trolls

Laura O’Connell Rapira from ActionStation (Aotearoa New Zealand) ran a workshop at the conference, FWD+Organise 2019, about how their organisation worked with volunteers to tackle the trolls behind online hate. 

open books displaying colour swatches

Creating your Brand Identity

Have you been trying to create and/or build upon your brand identity for a campaign or your organisation? Great tips and a checklist from Principle Co.

cup of tea and tea kettle

Coping with climate change distress

This booklet, drawing on evidence based insights from psychology, offers strategies to cope with the stress of climate change. Includes behavioural, relational, cognitive and emotional coping strategies.

Cover of the Re:Imagining Change book featuring a picture of a light globe made up of several people.

Narrating Change During ‘Psychic Breaks’

This extract from the book Re:Imagining Change explores ‘psychic breaks’, seismic events (like the Australian 2019-2020 bushfires) that shake status quo assumptions and provide opportunities for new stories to be told.

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