3 essential elements activists today can learn from the women’s suffrage movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

This topic focuses on Australian social movement history. There is so much to learn from the stories of past collective action for social and ecological justice. Learning social movement history can provide insights about strategy, a vast toolbox of potential tactics, and abundant inspiration.
3 essential elements activists today can learn from the women’s suffrage movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Listen to an inspiring podcast about women & leadership in the Australian environment movement with Judy Lambert & Victoria McKenzie-McHarg.
A collection of campaigns that changed Tasmania e.g. Franklin River, gay law reform, forest blockading, No Gas Across the Bass.
A collection of campaigns that changed the Northern Territory. e.g. Wave Hill Walk Off, Jabiluka, Pine Gap & Anti-Fracking.
A collection of campaigns that changed Western Australia. e.g. James Price Point, Ningaloo, whaling, forest and other people and places.
These videos focus on “movement moments” – events during which Australian activists pushed forward issues & created conditions for social change.
Read an excerpt from the book Knocking The Top Off: A People’s History of Alcohol in Australia about the fight for equal pay.
Activism and Campaign history – A range of resources about the history of First Nations, social and labour movements in Australia and beyond.
An interview with a member of the Western Australia-based Grevillea about how the group applied a dynamic and creative perspective to approaching issues such as militarism, pollution and international solidarity during the 1980s and 1990s.
Insights into how a grass roots community campaign based in Gloucester Valley, NSW scored a major victory against the Coal Seam Gas industry.
3 essential elements activists today can learn from the women’s suffrage movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Listen to an inspiring podcast about women & leadership in the Australian environment movement with Judy Lambert & Victoria McKenzie-McHarg.
A collection of campaigns that changed Tasmania e.g. Franklin River, gay law reform, forest blockading, No Gas Across the Bass.
A collection of campaigns that changed the Northern Territory. e.g. Wave Hill Walk Off, Jabiluka, Pine Gap & Anti-Fracking.
A collection of campaigns that changed Western Australia. e.g. James Price Point, Ningaloo, whaling, forest and other people and places.
These videos focus on “movement moments” – events during which Australian activists pushed forward issues & created conditions for social change.
Read an excerpt from the book Knocking The Top Off: A People’s History of Alcohol in Australia about the fight for equal pay.
Activism and Campaign history – A range of resources about the history of First Nations, social and labour movements in Australia and beyond.
An interview with a member of the Western Australia-based Grevillea about how the group applied a dynamic and creative perspective to approaching issues such as militarism, pollution and international solidarity during the 1980s and 1990s.
Insights into how a grass roots community campaign based in Gloucester Valley, NSW scored a major victory against the Coal Seam Gas industry.