
Digital Campaigning

Digital Campaigning

Digital campaigning leverages technology to create change, whether through emails and petitions or platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and more. The resources here will help you finesse your mobilising strategy, broaden your engagement across platforms, and think critically about how to measure your success.

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Zoom Meetings Host Guide

This clear and easy guide produced by The Australian Conservation Foundation will help you set up and run an online meeting using Zoom. 

cartoon of two dogs - one says to the other "I had my own blog for a while, but I decided to go back to blatant, incessant barking."

How to Write a Great Blog Post

Do you need some tips on how to write a blog post? Duncan Green from Oxfam GB shares ten ways to write a blog post in under an hour.

11 volunteers standing in rows posing for a photo

Fighting online racist trolls

Laura O’Connell Rapira from ActionStation (Aotearoa New Zealand) ran a workshop at the conference, FWD+Organise 2019, about how their organisation worked with volunteers to tackle the trolls behind online hate. 

A black and white photograph of a rally with people holding their fists in the air. The text 'Momentum Webinars' in written above it.

Movements, Organising and Mobilisation Webinars

The Momentum Community has shared webinars on movements, mass decentralised organising, mobilisation, non-violent movements and case studies including the Sunrise movement and Hong Kong democracy movement.

Hands holding a mobile phone and filming

The Big Five Trends in Video for 2020

The nature of video and digital campaigning changes so rapidly, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the latest strategies to cut through and move people. This article & presentation outlines 5 key trends plus a useful checklist for developing compelling videos.

Icons representing website accessibility framed around a computer screen

Improve your Website Accessibility

A comprehensive list of tools, checklists and websites to improve your website accessibility, e,g, standards, colours, documents, design, images, etc.

close up of man's hands gesturing in front of a laptop set up in table with woman in background

Facilitating Online Meetings

Online meetings can be a lot of fun! Here are a few ideas to make your meetings exciting, educational, and effective from Daniel Hunter,

close up of icons on computer screen with focus on email icon

Email Best Practices

Email is the dominant engagement channel for most organisations. A well-designed email program should be at the heart of your communication strategy. Check out these tips from Organise Us.

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