The PowerLabs article highlights the significance of collaborative decision-making for improving outcomes and introduces the DECIDE model to guide this process
The Horizon of Possibility: Tectonica’s Method for Social Change Strategy
How do you Develop a Social Change Strategy? Explore and learn from Tectonica’s method for social change strategy.
What Makes People Tick? Exploration of a Values Model
Chris Rose explains a model by CDSM Cultural Dynamics Strategy and Marketing called Values Based Segmentation in relation to campaigning.
The SCARF Model for Psychological Safety in Groups
Learn about the SCARF Model for Psychological Safety in Groups by David Rock. It’s a tool for diagnosing and supporting good group health.
Civil Resistance against Climate Change: What, when, who and how effective?
New research considers what Australian climate activism – specifically climate change civil resistance – looks like, how it is changing, and what it is achieving.
When to Talk and When to Fight: The Strategic Choice between Dialogue and Resistance
Understand when to talk and when to fight with this model for talking about conflict, negotiation and resistance.
Movement as Network: Connecting People and Organizations in the Environmental Movement
The environmental movement requires new organizational structures and strategies to succeed in this next phase of its evolution.
Organising deeply during crisis
Adele Neale, co-director of the Community Organising Fellowship, makes the case for deep listening and learning as part of organising during times of crisis, including the current pandemic.
Windows and Cycles: How Policy gets Made
This article helps advocates understand and intervene in policymaking more effectively by understanding the two main models of policymaking.
What the US can Learn from Scandinavia in the Struggle Against Inequality
In this interview, George Lakey explains what lessons can be learned from how movements in Scandinavia won and secured their egalitarian economic model.
How to Make Better Decisions Together
The PowerLabs article highlights the significance of collaborative decision-making for improving outcomes and introduces the DECIDE model to guide this process
The Horizon of Possibility: Tectonica’s Method for Social Change Strategy
How do you Develop a Social Change Strategy? Explore and learn from Tectonica’s method for social change strategy.
What Makes People Tick? Exploration of a Values Model
Chris Rose explains a model by CDSM Cultural Dynamics Strategy and Marketing called Values Based Segmentation in relation to campaigning.
The SCARF Model for Psychological Safety in Groups
Learn about the SCARF Model for Psychological Safety in Groups by David Rock. It’s a tool for diagnosing and supporting good group health.
Civil Resistance against Climate Change: What, when, who and how effective?
New research considers what Australian climate activism – specifically climate change civil resistance – looks like, how it is changing, and what it is achieving.
When to Talk and When to Fight: The Strategic Choice between Dialogue and Resistance
Understand when to talk and when to fight with this model for talking about conflict, negotiation and resistance.
Movement as Network: Connecting People and Organizations in the Environmental Movement
The environmental movement requires new organizational structures and strategies to succeed in this next phase of its evolution.
Organising deeply during crisis
Adele Neale, co-director of the Community Organising Fellowship, makes the case for deep listening and learning as part of organising during times of crisis, including the current pandemic.
Windows and Cycles: How Policy gets Made
This article helps advocates understand and intervene in policymaking more effectively by understanding the two main models of policymaking.
What the US can Learn from Scandinavia in the Struggle Against Inequality
In this interview, George Lakey explains what lessons can be learned from how movements in Scandinavia won and secured their egalitarian economic model.