
Lessons learned_Reviews_Reflections

Community Organising and Digital Campaigning Webinar Series

A webinar series from Australian Progress exploring insights from Australia and around the world on how to best organise and lead digital campaigns. Includes election case studies from the US, Northern Territory (Australia) and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ending the Activist Year Well

After a big year of effort it’s important to take time for reflection, evaluation, team-building, celebration, and planning. These resources will help.

man standing in front of a eureka stockade flag giving a speech

What can be done? A Rumination

A personal reflection by Rowan Cahill on a life of activism that started when he was conscripted to the Vietnam War as a 20 year old. 

white lighthouse shining light at dusk

Uncommon victories: Lessons from Warringah and Indi

In the 2019 Australian federal election, two local campaigns stood out. Two Independents, from two very different electorates, made history. We’re referring of course, to Indi in regional Victoria, and Warringah in Sydney.

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