The Activist Handbook is a ‘wikipedia’ style website that provides guides and resources for people to become effective activists.
The Role of External Support in Nonviolent Campaigns: Poisoned Chalice or Holy Grail?
Civil resistance-Moving from dictatorship to democracy. Negotiations & elections are the breakthroughs that lead to more democratic outcomes.
The History of Campaigns in Australia by People With Disability
Histories and case studies from Australia of the fight for independence, inclusion, equality, access and services for people with disability.
Faire face au roulement des membres (Français) [Navigating turnover in Activist Groups in French)
Guide élaboré pour fournir aux groupes militants des idées et des stratégies pour faire face au roulement des membres, en particulier dans le cas des groupes dirigés par des étudiants.
Lessons from Campaigning for AIDs Activism with Sarah Schulman
Commons Conversations Podcast with historian Sarah Schulman who shares lessons from campaigns led by the AIDS Coalition.
Beyond the International Women’s Day Lunch: Resources for Women’s Activism & Cistem Change
Resources for women’s activism and cis-tem change for IWD and beyond. Are you ready to take your next step for gender justice and liberation?
Commons Conversations Podcast: Insights into Activism
Commons Conversations Podcast – Interviews with campaigners about insights into activism, learning in movements, radical history and more.
What is the Difference between Advocacy and Activism?
Find out the difference between advocacy and activism in this book chapter published in 2022 by Jane Johnston and Robyn Gulliver.
Manejando la Renovación de Membresia en Grupos Activistas (Spanish – Español)
Guía elaborada para proporcionar ideas y estrategias a los grupos de activistas a la hora de hacer frente a la rotación de miembros, especialmente en el caso de los grupos dirigidos por estudiantes
Making Your Activism Accessible
This guide was developed to support activists in making their spaces, events, meetings and communications more accessible, in order to ensure that everyone is welcome and encouraged to join a movement for justice in whatever way they can!
The Activist Handbook: Campaigning Guides for Activists
The Activist Handbook is a ‘wikipedia’ style website that provides guides and resources for people to become effective activists.
The Role of External Support in Nonviolent Campaigns: Poisoned Chalice or Holy Grail?
Civil resistance-Moving from dictatorship to democracy. Negotiations & elections are the breakthroughs that lead to more democratic outcomes.
The History of Campaigns in Australia by People With Disability
Histories and case studies from Australia of the fight for independence, inclusion, equality, access and services for people with disability.
Faire face au roulement des membres (Français) [Navigating turnover in Activist Groups in French)
Guide élaboré pour fournir aux groupes militants des idées et des stratégies pour faire face au roulement des membres, en particulier dans le cas des groupes dirigés par des étudiants.
Lessons from Campaigning for AIDs Activism with Sarah Schulman
Commons Conversations Podcast with historian Sarah Schulman who shares lessons from campaigns led by the AIDS Coalition.
Beyond the International Women’s Day Lunch: Resources for Women’s Activism & Cistem Change
Resources for women’s activism and cis-tem change for IWD and beyond. Are you ready to take your next step for gender justice and liberation?
Commons Conversations Podcast: Insights into Activism
Commons Conversations Podcast – Interviews with campaigners about insights into activism, learning in movements, radical history and more.
What is the Difference between Advocacy and Activism?
Find out the difference between advocacy and activism in this book chapter published in 2022 by Jane Johnston and Robyn Gulliver.
Manejando la Renovación de Membresia en Grupos Activistas (Spanish – Español)
Guía elaborada para proporcionar ideas y estrategias a los grupos de activistas a la hora de hacer frente a la rotación de miembros, especialmente en el caso de los grupos dirigidos por estudiantes
Making Your Activism Accessible
This guide was developed to support activists in making their spaces, events, meetings and communications more accessible, in order to ensure that everyone is welcome and encouraged to join a movement for justice in whatever way they can!