

Cover of the Defending Democracy: Safeguarding independent community voices Report. Photograph of a people marching with climate and Indigenous rights banners and flags with Parliament House in the background.

Defending Democracy and Human Rights

Gillian Triggs, the now Former President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, launched the Defending Democracy report at Progress 2017. She argued that advocacy is fundamental to our society but under threat with it increasingly difficult for people to speak up when they disagree.

Diagram showing 12 dimensions to the index.

From GDP to Wellbeing

The Australian National Development Index presents a new way to measure our wellbeing. At Progress 2017 Professor Fiona Stanley explained just why it’s so important.

red balloon tied to metal weight

Moving the rock: Shifting power for sustained change

This article explores the ‘moving the rock’ concept put forward by Daniel Hunter in his book Strategy and Soul. The concept has been valuable for campaigners and organisations reassessing their theory of change and particularly how they engage politicians and supporters.

Photograph of a window with curtains opening.

Workshop Guide: Assessing and Opening Policy Windows

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions. The workshop introduces the idea of ‘policy windows’ and ‘political opportunity structure’ and enables participants to critically evaluate the political opportunity structure apparent in current campaigns.

12 people standing in front of Australia's parliament. A speaker is stepped forward from the group, wearing a pastor's collar.

Lobbying Workshop Guide

A process guide to be used in training workshops and planning sessions to introduce participants to lobbying in an experiential way; identify lobbying as just one tool in a community organiser’s toolkit of skills and techniques for change; provide resources and information for future reference.

Three people sit around a desk, talking together.

Lobbying: A Tactic for Social Change

Lobbying is one method of raising public awareness of an issue and enlists support for a particular cause. The objective of lobbying is to persuade decision makers to take or not to take particular actions. This handout covers the skills, knowledge and qualities of effective lobbyists, as well as the essential steps to preparing for lobbying.


Call to Action Worksheet

Use this worksheet template to determine how you will talk about your campaign to inspire and motivate people to take action.

A person sitting outside on a rock, with a laptop on their lap

Principles for having a remote office

Some rules, principles and tips for how to successfully set up a remote office and have staff working in diverse locations around the nation (or the world!), synthesised from best practice around the OPEN Network.

Máté speaks into a microphone at a protest outside the Hungarian Parliament. In the background protestors hold a large poster with Hungarian text.

Home Care in Hungary

In Hungary, digital campaigning organisation aHang has been winning big and building people power in a difficult political environment. Their homecare campaign was a huge win for Hungarian carers, and people power everywhere.

Side table with white board markers falling on top

3 Templates for Campaign Evaluation

Evaluating the impact of advocacy campaigns can seem impossible. Here are three handy guides that can help you undertake effective monitoring and evaluation of your advocacy and campaigning.

The Unicorn Activity: Political Lobbying Role Play

This role play activity outlines an interactive session to help people experience a political lobbying meeting, in a light-hearted way. The role play involves people being from either the Minister for Magical Creatures, or the NGO “Unicorn Revive”.

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