
Commons Librarian

5 book covers in a collage

Books to Read About Social Change

Looking for some inspiring reading for 2021 for yourself or as a gift? Here is a list of books on activism and organising to get you thinking.

Books about Women & Leadership

Five books recommended by participants and convenors of Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia. This list includes comprehensive discussions about women’s leadership, practical guides, and two memoirs from inspiring women leaders.

Marshall Ganz delivering a lecture at a podium. He is wearing a yellow shirt, has glasses and has a mic attached to his shirt. Behind him is a poster taped to the wall that features a bicycle.

Learn About Organising from Marshall Ganz

Marshall Ganz is a key thinker and educator in the field of community organising. This article gathers two informative videos and details of other ways to learn from Marshall Ganz.

Three covers of resources on disability justice including the movie covers for Crip Camp and Defiant Lives and the podcast Disability Visibility

Disability Justice Links

A crowdsourced list of disability justice resources from Virtual Progress 2020. Includes resources from the Lessons from the Disability Justice Movement plenary and Deconstructing Ableism in Progressive Movements workshop.

Protestors in a line with one protestor kneeling on knee (in honour of George Floyd) in front of line of police at protest in street in Washington, D.C, USA

Tracking Movement Moments: #BlackLivesMatter Case Study

Documenting and amplifying police brutality has been a crucial aspect of the Black Lives Matter movement, including during the May-June 2020 protests. These resources include examples of how people are documenting BLM as well as links to tips and articles to help you get started with documenting and archiving.

People at protest with signs saying 'black lives matter' and 'fire and jail terrorist cops #georgefloyd'

Resources About Police Violence and Racial Justice

The murder of George Floyd by police in the US has sparked a powerful response from the Black Lives Matter movement and communities of colour. The following resources give context to the US situation as well as related struggles in Australia.

Mug sitting on laptop that says 'Not all super heroes wear capes'

Activist Inspiration and Learning in Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping many of us at home. Without the usual forums, film nights, and other campaign activities how can we connect to inspiration and continue learning? Here are films, podcasts, webinars and online courses.

woman in protest carrying a sign saying #enough

Digital Campaigning: Start Here

Digital campaigning leverages technology to create change through emails, petitions, and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and more. Here is a list of resources to get you started.

silhouette of three people sitting near gum tree

Resources for Disaster Relief and Recovery

A collection of resources to support community responses to the Australian bushfires and other disasters. Includes resilience and recovery, navigating trauma, conversation guides and taking action.

Top 10 resources of 2020

The top 10 resources of 2020 from The Commons Social Change Library featuring resources on organising, activism, campaigning and more.

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