


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

Title reads 'Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook'. A blackboard with chalk illustrations and arrows. From left to right across the blackboard is a cannon being lit with text 'Weaponize fear'. Then a balancing scale with a hand holding one side down that reads 'Undermine Institutions'. Then a hand holding up a book that reads 'Exploit religions'. Then a family with a suitcase standing in front of a large metal fence that reads 'Target outsiders'. Then a person standing on a step holding a sword aloft that reads 'Rewrite history'. Then two hands - one is holding two people up and one is squishing two people down and text reads 'Divide and conquer'. Then a sum of 2 + 2 = 4 with a hammer smashing the 4 and text reads 'Erode truth'.

Democracy Undone: The Authoritarian’s Playbook

How populist nationalist leaders across various democracies are employing a playbook involving fear exploitation, institutional undermining, truth erosion, and more to erode democratic values and consolidate power.

3 illustrations of trees. The first tree is in a box and text reads 'private asset' and 'market'. The 2nd tree is a healthy looking tree growing from the ground. The text reads 'commons resource' and 'commons'. The third tree is surrounded by a fence and text reads 'public asset' and 'state'.

Practising Commoning

This article introduces commoning and provides a comprehensive resource list including tools for practicing commoning.

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