


Looking for articles, books, case studies, tips about social change and activism? You’ve found the right place – The Commons Social Change Library.

The Organiser’s Canvas

The organiser’s canvas is a visual aid that help organisers think creatively around the organizing process. It allows the organiser to focus on individual leadership practices whilst keeping track of how these practices flow into one another to create the greater whole.

mob lab logo

Key Resources from Mobilisation Lab

Reports, toolkits, templates and guides from Mobilisation Lab including campaign strategy, storytelling, digital campaigning, security and more.

collage of screenshots of 3 websites featuring data and statistics

Guide to Publicly Available Data Sources

Through research you can get to know your issues in depth, find out where people stand on those issues, and make a strong evidence-based case for change. Use these Australian publicly available data sources to strengthen and inform your research.

Whistleblowing: A Practical Guide

Whistleblowing: A Practical Guide tells how to assess your options, prepare for action, use low-profile operations, negotiate official channels, leak, build support and survive the experience.

A woman looking seriously at the camera while a rainbow pride flag drapes on the wall next to her. Credit: Disabled and Here

Community-led Design Wiki

A wiki of insights and resources around community-led or community-driven design featuring movements, tools, writing, audio and video.

The front page of a pdf publication called Guide to Organizing your first Protest with a photo of Greta Thunberg sitting on street with a sign next to her that says 'Skolstrejk for Klimatet'

Organising Your First Protest

Learn how to organize your first protest – Resources from the Article 20 Network including a recorded discussion with experience organizers.

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